New Eden News

The latest news from around the cluster as told by the special reporters of the news organizations of New Eden.

Sang Do Council Denounces Capsuleer "Encroachment"; Issues Ultimatum

    Lirsautton - Following a broadcast for help from sick exiles living on Lirsautton VI, a capsuleer grassroots effort led by the United Neopian Federation and the Arataka Research Consortium constructed an Astrahus -class citadel and planetside colony to provide aid. Yesterday afternoon, the collective efforts started receiving citizens with inflamed lymph nodes, neck pain, nausea, and other symptoms. An Aidonis Foundation official suggested that while the original tribe and Mao Jin shared one [...]

    Amarr and Khanid Holdings Attacked in Chemical and Viral Bombing Incidents

      Amarr - Amarr security forces have reportedly thwarted a terrorist chemical attack on a noble estate along the coast of the Jad-Gheinok region of Oris in the Amarr system, today. In a possibly related incident, the Scope has also learned that a viral weapon strike was carried out on a Khanid Royal Uhlans cloning facility located in Ves-Sefris region on Zirsem V, yesterday. Local correspondents on the planet Oris (Amarr VIII), report that a "laser rifle and mortar attack" was attempted on the Varaz [...]

      AEGIS CONCORD Division Formed to Bolster Spacelane Security and Combat Hijackers

        Yulai - CONCORD has officially announced the formation of AEGIS, a new division that will specialize in ensuring the security of spacelanes, and be given the powers and capability to interdict and board ships that have been hijacked or are undergoing pirate boarding assaults. In a press briefing at the DED's headquarters in Yulai, Brigadier General Odo Korachi introduced Colonel Kasiha Valkanir as the head of the newly-formed division after some background remarks. "In response to emergent threat Case [...]

        Nugoeihuvi and Wiyrkomi Clash Over Comedy Holodrama

          Maurasi, The Forge - The Caldari Business Tribunal is hearing a complaint from the Wiyrkomi megacorporation today, regarding a new comedy holodrama developed by Bakkomolu Productions, a subsidiary of rival Caldari megacorporation Nugoeihuvi (NOH). Family Business , a new comedic entry into the popular Caldari genre of azelokaivatko holodramas, follows the fortunes and foibles of a fictional great family, the Rekotaa, as they preside over the Kurashinni megacorporation. With the series beginning its [...]

          Twenty Fatalities in Poisoning Incident Aboard Rens Station, Weaponized Psychoactive Suspected

            Rens - Minmatar authorities have reported "at least twenty" fatalities in the Kaihu civilian habitat sector of the Brutor Tribe Treasury station orbiting Moon 8, Rens VI. Sector security have declared a quarantine of the Kaihu habitation amid claims that a "psychoactive gas" was responsible for mass panic attacks, hallucinogenic episodes and the reported deaths. Correspondents aboard the Brutor Tribe Treasury station report that the civilian internal transportation network is on lockdown. It is [...]

            Cursed Exiles Hijack Broadcast, Beg Forgiveness

              Lirsautton VI _ - _A tribe of exiles living on Lirsautton VI broke into a structure in a capsuleer colony and tapped into an FTL relay there in order to broadcast a plea for both forgiveness and help, today. The broadcast lasted approximately five minutes before colony security detained the tribe and escorted them off the premises. Lirsautton VI, in spite of its benign climate and idyllic landscapes, has not been colonized since its terraforming was completed. After a ship crashed into the first [...]

              CONCORD Inner Circle Meeting to Discuss Ship Disappearances, Colonel Valkanir Attending

                Yulai - CONCORD's Inner Circle is reported to be meeting to discuss the recent spate of ship disappearances across a broad swathe of New Eden from the Aridia to Molden Heath regions. It is understood that Colonel Kasiha Valkanir, heading up the DED's investigative taskforce, will be briefing the Inner Circle on her findings and recommendations. News of the special meeting broke today, when it emerged that Sanmatar Maleatu Shakor had dispatched his personal representative, Director Keitan Yun, to an [...]

                Empress Catiz I Honors Amarr Loyalist Capsuleer Groups PIE and CVA, and Responds to Petitions

                  Dam-Torsad, Amarr Prime - Her Most Sublime and Imperial Majesty Catiz I has bestowed honors on two longstanding Amarr loyalist capsuleer organisations, the Praetoria Imperialis Excubitoris and Curatores Veritatis Alliance today, as the celebrations of her second jubilee continue with the honoring of notables and responses to petitions. Notables and petitioneers invited to personal audiences in Ittayim Palace were able to bask in the holy radiance of the Golden Throne and commune with the Empress [...]

                  Amarr Empire Celebrates Catiz I's Second Year as Empress with Military Parade

                    Dam-Torsad, Amarr Prime - The Amarr Empire held its second jubilee celebrating the reign of Empress Catiz I today, with a display of Amarrian military might. The five-hour display saw all road, air, and pedestrian traffic shut down in the areas surrounding the Grand Square to clear the way for the Imperial procession, which passed beneath Ittayim Palace under the eye of Empress Catiz I. Empress Catiz was joined on the Step of Shahs by Court Chamberlain Pomik Haromi, Lady Hamideh Kador, General Momed [...]

                    Gallente Royal Destroys Local Divine in Freestyle Verse Exchange, Gets Married

                      Caille, Gallente Prime - Observing a several thousand-year-old tradition, reigning Ensi Beatrice Batteuse of the Ensinate of Central Garoun fulfilled her engagement to Doctor Jeras Alaila in the Palace of the Ensiks. Ensi Beatrice was widowed in YC115 after her then-husband suffered complications due to an autoimmune disease during a diplomatic trip. Dr Alaila will assume the title of Ensil Consort, a title indicating a princely husband or wife of a ruling Ensi. The Ensiks of ancient Garoun were [...]

                      Ministry of Internal Order Increases Patrols along Border, and in Stations and Major Cities

                        Penirgman, Domain - The Ministry of Internal Order has ordered its customs and border control forces to increase patrols in border systems. At the same time, reports from major cities in the Amarr Empire indicate that the MIO has increased its presence on the streets. When approached by the Scope, the MIO spokesman said, "With the dramatic increase in terrorist threats and other border security concerns in the past weeks, and with the Imperial Jubilee celebrations to come, the Ministry of Internal [...]

                        Empire Leaders Defuse Situation Due to Timing of Unstable Wormhole Link

                          Pator, Heimatar - The Pator and Hilaban systems were briefly locked down by their respective empires' defense fleets yesterday, as an unstable wormhole created a link between the systems with diplomatically unfortunate timing. Both systems' fleets were already enforcing a high level of security due to the ongoing Rogue Swarm Alert coupled with the presence in space of each empire's leader. Empress Catiz I happened to be on a visit to Hilaban's extensive commercial station network, together with a [...]

                          Republic Fleet Requests CONCORD Help in Search for Missing Ship in Molden Heath

                            Istodard, Molden Heath - The Minmatar Republic Fleet has requested the assistance of CONCORD in search and rescue efforts aimed at locating and recovering a naval vessel that has gone missing in the Molden Heath region. As CONCORD maintains a large presence in the region, the deployment of the DED's Molden Heath Fleet in support of the Republic's own efforts significantly increases the chances of recovering the ship and crew. CONCORD's Colonel Kasiha Valkanir has been assigned overall command of the [...]

                            Mordu's Legion Command Announces Departure from Caldari Prime

                              Caldari Prime, Luminaire - Mordu's Legion Command leadership on Caldari Prime announced today that they plan to withdraw forces from the Caldari homeworld over the next 12 months. The news sparked concerns as to the future of the security situation on the disputed planet in the Caldari State and Gallente Federation. The process of renegotiating the Caldari Prime planetary security contract has been notably marked by Brigadier General Majima Akuras of Mordu's Legion expressing doubt that the contract's [...]

                              "Large Increase in Crew Losses" Says Joint Report by Aidonis Foundation and SOE

                                Yulai - The number of people estimated to have been killed or reported missing due to the loss of space vessels has increased substantially, according to a joint report presented to the CONCORD Assembly by the Aidonis Foundation and Sisters of EVE. The report notes that a significant portion of the "large increase in crew losses" is due to the destruction of capsuleer vessels in unknown regions of space. The new analysis includes the first few months of capsuleer expeditions into Abyssal Deadspace, in [...]

                                Hyasyoda and Kaalakiota Enter Echelon Acquisition Talks?

                                  New Caldari Prime - Hyasyoda has entered preliminary negotiations with Kaalakiota for acquisition of Echelon Entertainment, according to a story broken by The Kimotoro Report this morning. Anonymous sources claim that senior Hyasyoda and Kaalakiota executives held a meeting alongside the CEP 's State Industrial Planning Summit held during the Caldari State Workers Union Day weekend. Due to a liquidity crisis in YC115, Kaalakiota chose to sell significant Echelon Entertainment assets. In that sale, [...]

                                  Intaki Claim "Lost Idama" Discovered in Khanid Kingdom

                                    Khanid Region - A "reborn" Idama, long thought lost by adherents of the Intaki Way, or Ida, has been discovered in the Khanid Kingdom, claims one of their monks. Wafneque Erilon, a monk from the Ida monasteries on Intaki Prime, claims to have found the "Lost Idama" while travelling abroad in the Seevadin constellation. Erilon discovered an Intaki slave named Ailoea en Waro early last month aboard the Pure Faith 's Harvest, a cruiser owned by Sa-Baron Atazil Kufail of Vezila in the Khanid Kingdom. [...]

                                    Sisters of EVE Demand Explanation for CONCORD "Warfare Experiments"

                                      Yulai - The Sisters of EVE issued a public demand today for an explanation of several incidents involving CONCORD's Directive Enforcement Department, alleged by the SOE to be linked and constituting a pattern of "CONCORD-sanctioned warfare experiments". The last two weeks have seen the suspension of CONCORD's suspect-flagging system for those entering the deepest pockets of Abyssal Deadspace, together with the destruction in Yulai of capsuleer capital ships alleged to be using illegal rogue drone [...]

                                      Opportunity and Cost of Entertainment

                                        The IGC Alliance Tournament has once again come to an end, with the exciting grand final win of Vydra Relolded watched by billions across the cluster. For many, the Tournament is a chance to socialize with friends and bet on the action. For Olalm Simolker it represents opportunity. Simolker is the CEO and co-founder of Simolker Cleaning Solutions, the company contracted by the Independent Gaming Commission to handle the cleanup and recovery of wrecks and corpses in the AT XVI battle arenas. The task [...]

                                        Riots Erupt on Tierijev IV over "Bad Taste Bets"

                                          Tierijev, Verge Vendor - A local betting agency on Tierijev IV came under fire from local inhabitants after a series of holoreel advertisements offering betting on the IGC's Alliance Tournament XVI, with large-scale demonstrations leading to riots. The agency, calling itself "Bad Taste Bets" decided to create a niche market for themselves by allowing locals to bet on the more macabre details for this year's Alliance Tournament. The bets ranged from "number of ship crew surviving ship destruction" and [...]

                                          General Akuras to Oversee Legion Forces on Caldari Prime

                                            Yesterday, Mordu's Legion Command forces on Caldari Prime underwent an abrupt change in leadership. The shift comes as part of an overall new focus by the Legion prompted by their continuing involvement in the Upwell Consortium, which continues to employ large numbers of Mordu's troops for installation and colony security roles. The changes directly affected the mercenary detachment on Caldari Prime, previously under the leadership of Strike Commander Tsuni Aina. Recently promoted Brigadier General [...]

                                            Sanmatar Maleatu Shakor Addresses Minmatar Liberation Day Crowds

                                              Matar, Pator - In an address to massed crowds at the Grand Caravanserai on Matar, Sanmatar Maleatu Shakor has issued a call to action on the 140th anniversary of the successful Great Rebellion against the Amarr Empire. Speaking to the crowds of celebrating Republic citizens on behalf of the Tribal Council, Sanmatar Shakor delivered the following remarks: " My Fellow Matari, Today we celebrate the freedom we have taken for ourselves. Today we are grateful for the brave men and women that put their [...]

                                              Abyssal Filaments Discovered in Rogue Drone Regions and Confirmed in Possession of Major Outlaw Groups

                                                UNKNOWN - The Triglavian technology called 'Abyssal Filaments' has been discovered in Rogue Drone-controlled sites in the so-called 'Drone Regions', reports Ret Gloriaxx. In an exclusive for the Scope's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx, veteran journalist and frontline reporter Ret Gloriaxx accompanied a Thukker Tribe expedition investigating reports that Rogue Drone hives in the infested regions may contain the Abyssal Filament technology. Embedded with a Thukker Tribe long-range recon and recovery [...]

                                                CONCORD Warns Against Delving Too Deep as Abyssal Filaments are Recovered from Data Sites

                                                  YULAI - CONCORD's Commander Vex Amita has issued a warning to capsuleers against "delving too deep in Abyssal Deadspace" on pain of suspect flagging for those reaching the "far depths of this dangerous and existentially threatening domain". As reports of capsuleers acquiring "Abyssal Filaments" and entering abyssal deadspace have continued to come in, CONCORD officials held a press conference to declare broad support for "limited exploration of the Triglavian domain" while cautioning that those [...]

                                                  Triglavian Abyssal Filament Technology Present in Data Sites, Confirms Reporter Embedded With Thukker Raiding Party

                                                    UNKNOWN - Reporting exclusively for the Scope's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx, veteran journalist and frontline reporter Ret Gloriaxx has confirmed that certain data sites scattered across New Eden and Anoikis can contain the Triglavian transport technology known as "Abyssal Filaments". Embedded with a Thukker Tribe deep-space raiding party, Ret Gloriaxx has been able to witness two separate operations: one against an Angel Cartel fortified data site at a classified location in New Eden; another [...]

                                                    Inner Circle Maintains Information Blackout as Demands Grow for Access to Triglavian Crew and Ship

                                                      YULAI - Despite repeated requests for more information about the quarantined Triglavian ship recovered by the DED over 6 weeks ago, the Inner Circle has maintained an information blackout on the subject. CONCORD and DED officials have referred all enquiries to the briefing given by Commander Vex Amita at the SoCT's capsuleer meeting held shortly after the ship was recovered. While the Scope covered the briefing and background material extensively, many questions still remain, not least as to the fate [...]

                                                      Capsuleer Delegates at SOCT Gathering in Yulai to Receive Special CONCORD Briefing

                                                        YULAI - As delegates arrive in Yulai to attend the Society of Conscious Thought's annual capsuleer gathering, CONCORD has announced that it will be providing a special briefing on recent developments concerning emerging threats to New Eden. The announcement of this briefing follows the recent incident during which a heavily damaged vessel of unfamiliar design and unknown origin was quarantined by CONCORD forces under the command of DED Genesis Fleet Captain Oveg Drust. The vessel was subsequently [...]

                                                        Remembering the Kyonoke Crisis One Year On

                                                          POSTOUVIN - A year after the resolution of the Kyonoke crisis, many mysteries are still unresolved. Enforced by the Vital Secrets Act, passed during the second day of the Kyonoke Inquest last April, all information gathered by the empires regarding the research for a cure, as well as investigations on the origins of the outbreak, have been shrouded in secrecy. No official identification of the perpetrators of perhaps the most deadly terror attack in the history of New Eden has been released, and all [...]

                                                          CONCORD Quarantine Ship of Unknown Design in Yulai

                                                            YULAI - For approximately 48 hours, CONCORD's Directive Enforcement Department have been holding a ship of unknown design in quarantine outside the DED's Yulai X Assembly station. The initial apperance of this ship, apparently under the control of a force commanded by DED Genesis Fleet Captain Oveg Drust, immediately attracted the attention of many capsuleer pilots. Unknown vessel at anchor outside DED Assembly Station ,Yulai X. Whatever its origin may be, the vessel appears heavily damaged, although [...]

                                                            Storm Wind Strikeforce Marks Yanala Day with Staggered Leave

                                                              Arcurio, Caldari Prime - As the fifth anniversary of the Battle of Caldari Prime was marked across the Caldari State yesterday, Storm Wind Strikeforce CEO Uken Nitsinen announced that his mercenary corporation would give staggered leave for almost all of its employees and contractors. Known by many in the State as 'Yanala Day', in token of the sacrifice made by Admiral Visera Yanala, commander of the Leviathan-class Titan CNS Shiigeru. Mercenaries and administrative staff within Storm Wind Strikeforce [...]

                                                              Outer Ring Excavations to Issue First Quarter Profits Update

                                                                4C-B7X, Outer Ring - Outer Ring Excavations (ORE) has issued a profits update to its investors, expecting unprecedented profits before the end of the first quarter of YC120. After having already gone through a long streak of rising profits for the corporation since joining the Upwell Consortium, ORE officials have stated that this first quarter's profits will exceed even their own optimistic models, and will likely follow through to the second quarter. When questioned, ORE representatives indicated [...]

                                                                Thukker Mix Transfers Key Assets to Core Complexion

                                                                  M-MD3B, Great Wildlands - In a joint press release, Thukker Mix and Core Complexion Inc. have announced that both corporations have finalized the transfer of ownership of several key assets from the Thukker research and development company to the Sebiestor industrial powerhouse. Despite numerous enquiries from the business press at the release conference, corporate representatives refused to elaborate on the assets that were being transferred. However, sources inside a research and development circle [...]

                                                                  CONCORD Deploys Assault Commandos and Sanctions in the Aftermath of Attack on Science Mission

                                                                    YULAI - Capsuleers have been reporting extraordinary measures being taken by CONCORD in the aftermath of an attack on a science mission in Luminaire a little under a week ago. The Scope's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx has obtained a report from "The Discourse" capsuleer news broadcast by ARC Studios. The Discourse alleges a disturbing attack and assault on a ship piloted by capsuleer Lara Edios of Phoenix Naval Systems. The claim is that "SARO commandos" boarded the PNS vessel and seized the corpse [...]

                                                                    SOE Splinter Group Claims Timebase Mission a Cover for CONCORD Black Ops Anti-Drifter Experiment

                                                                      YULAI - Claiming a conspiracy to carry out a bizarre experiment in public spacelanes, the Sisters of EVE splinter group 'Pharos of Thera' has been in exclusive contact with the Scope's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx. Speaking to Ret Gloriaxx, Pharos of Thera spokesperson Jora Alexis claimed that a covert unit of CONCORD's SARO "Black Ops division" orchestrated a complex plan to entice Drifters into a situation where "advanced anti-Drifter counter-measures could be deployed." "The story that this was [...]

                                                                      CONCORD Time Measuring Mission Delayed After Violent Assault

                                                                        YULAI - CONCORD Officials have stated that the research mission of Dr. Reniret has been delayed after both him and his team were violently attacked while on their way to Luminaire. CONCORD Public Communications Officer Lorienne Nesif said the following on the matter: "At 21:14 today, two Enforcer-class ships used by Dr. Reniret, his team, and myself, were violently attacked by a small group of aggressors. The attack has not been claimed by any particular group. Witnesses so far have only been able to [...]

                                                                        CONCORD Agencies Collaborate on Universal Timebase Measurement Research

                                                                          YULAI - CONCORD officials have announced that they will be starting a new research effort to improve the measurement of CONCORD's universal timebase, currently used across all of New Eden and known as New Eden Standard Time. Speaking to the purpose of this research, CONCORD Aerospace Public Communications Officer Lorienne Nesif said: "Marking the 120th year of the standard calendar agreed at the historic Yoiul Conference, CONCORD Aerospace and Project Discovery will be launching a new research program [...]

                                                                          Yoiul Festival Celebrations Looking Forward to YC120 as CONCORD Holiday Season Begins Despite Rogue Swarm Alert

                                                                            CONCORD City, Yulai III - The atmosphere of celebration accompanying the Yoiul Festival and the official CONCORD holiday season is in full swing in CONCORD City. In light of the ongoing Rogue Swarm Alert, the residential and commercial hub of CONCORD's sovereign territories does have an elevated security posture, with its heavily upgraded space, air and ground defense networks at maximum alert as the population swells during the holiday season. In New Eden, celebrations of the end of year in New [...]

                                                                            Rogue Swarm Alert Continues as Empires Complete Rollout of Arms and Materiel to Affected Areas

                                                                              Yulai - CONCORD's Directive Enforcement Department is maintaining a cluster-wide Rogue Swarm Alert due to the continuing presence of large numbers of rogue drone infestations throughout known space. Rogue drones under the direction of "Swarm Overmind" type drones are repeatedly emerging from deadspace and establishing nests despite the best efforts of capsuleers outfitted with enhanced Alpha Clone capabilities and emergency supplies of military equipment. It is believed that several million rogue [...]

                                                                              Capsuleer Research Group Claims Discovery of Secret Research into Neural Implants

                                                                                Orvolle - Capsuleers of the Arataka Research Consortium [ARC] have claimed the discovery of a new form of neural implant technology in "a hidden laboratory complex in [Caldari] State territory", according to a recent posting on the Capsuleer GalNet channel "Intergalactic Summit". Capsuleer researchers from ARC have since reported success in reproducing and testing a "neural lace" technology codenamed "Blackglass" that is apparently capable of increasing the strength of network intrusion viruses. [...]

                                                                                Arms Race Ensues as Rogue Swarm Alert Declared by DED after Widespread Eruptions of Drone Nests are Detected

                                                                                  Yulai - A cluster-wide Rogue Swarm Alert has been declared by the DED, as the empires and independent capsuleers scramble to upgrade their capabilities in an arms race with hostile rogue drones. The Inner Circle's recent authorization of new Clone State Alpha capabilities was granted as a response to increasing pirate threats but its rollout over the last few days has proved very timely given this new rogue drone swarm breakout. Reports have reached the Scope that rogue drone outbreaks are being [...]

                                                                                  Project Discovery Phase One to be Celebrated with Monument at SOE Biological Research Center

                                                                                    Lanngisi, Metropolis Region - The SOE have announced that their planned monument to Project Discovery Phase One will be moved into position outside the Sisters of EVE Bureau in orbit of the second moon of Lanngisi III. The monument has been built into a new biological research center that will operate as an isolated substation of the SOE's facilities in their Lanngisi station. Sister Latimas of the SOE's Sanctuary research organization said, "We are very happy to be able to mark the vital work of [...]

                                                                                    DED Monitoring Stations Warn of Increased Rogue Drone Activity; Possible Rogue Swarm Feared

                                                                                      Yulai - CONCORD's Directive Enforcement Department has issued a notice that its monitoring stations set to watch the so-called "Drone Regions" and the major drone-infested deadspace pockets are seeing increased rogue drone activity. The Directive Intelligence Agency is assessing the rogue drone threat as "serious and rising". This warning comes only days after the CONCORD Assembly had a session on cluster-wide security threats at which discussion of emergent threats such as Drifters and rogue drones [...]

                                                                                      CONCORD Inner Circle Authorizes Extension of Clone State Alpha to Include Battleship Capability

                                                                                        Yulai - CONCORD's Inner Circle has issued an authorization under emergency regulations of the Yulai Convention providing that all empire and independent capsuleers will benefit from an extension of Clone State Alpha to include basic support for the training and maintenance of battlecruisers and battleships. Under the new policy, clones set to Alpha state, as per default cloning contracts, will be supplied with sufficient quantum-entangled 4-Helium to maintain and utilize knowledge uptake to the new [...]

                                                                                        Increase in Pirate Raids and Presence of Blood Raider and Guristas Bases Raised in CONCORD Assembly

                                                                                          Yulai - Rising levels of pirate raiding activity against empire resource fields have been brought up as an urgent matter of concern at the CONCORD Assembly by representatives from the four major empires. Questions were also asked about the presence of pirate "Forward Operating Bases" and intelligence assessments that the number of these bases could increase. Meeting at a special session of the CONCORD Assembly called to discuss cluster-wide security threats and response co-ordination, delegates raised [...]

                                                                                          Monuments to Martyrs of the Amarr Empire Near Completion as Station Renovations Proceed Apace

                                                                                            Nererut, Domain Region - Amarr Constructions has announced that monuments to those martyred in attacks by Minmatar terrorists and in the Elder Fleet Invasion are almost completed. The corporation also announced that, while it had been contracted to build the monuments by the Emperor Family on behalf of Her Imperial Majesty Catiz I, all costs would be met by Amarr Constructions as a mark of respect to the fallen and the Empress. Amarr Constructions has been renovating many of the stations severely [...]

                                                                                            Upwell Consortium Celebrates Refinery and Moon Drilling Tech Launch

                                                                                              4C-B7X, Outer Ring - Upwell Consortium executives have been celebrating the successful launch to the capsuleer market of their new refinery and moon drilling technologies. Made available as blueprints through Upwell Consortium member corporations, the new technologies are anticipated to make their first appearance in capsuleer structures later this week. In the meantime, Upwell has made freely available an update to moon survey probe software that will improve the resolution of the deep penetration [...]

                                                                                              Federation Delegation Meeting with Republic Fleet Ordnance Officials and Sanmatar's Military Council

                                                                                                Matar, Pator System - A delegation from the Gallente Federation is to meet with counterparts in the Republic Fleet Ordnance hierarchy before discussing rising security threats affecting both nations with the Sanmatar's Military Council. Admiral Marin Opelle, head of the Federal Strategic Materiel organization, will meet with General Daviki Rafeyn of Republic Fleet Ordance for talks on sharing survey and extractive techniques data. Of particular note is a tabled session on finalizing rules for the [...]

                                                                                                Loyal Subjects Renew Vows after Emissary Addresses the Faithful on Capsuleer Souls

                                                                                                  Amarr Prime - Loyal capsuleer subjects gathered in great numbers last night to witness the jubilee of Her Most Sublime and Imperial Majesty Catiz I, First Apostle of the True Faith and Sovereign Defender of the Imperial Rite. Cardinal Sourem Itharen, Capsuller Emissary to the Court Chamberlain, gave the loyal address to the assembled capsuleer faithful which we reproduce below: _Loyal and faithful capsuleers of Amarr! I bring you greetings from the Court Chamberlain on behalf of Her Most Sublime and [...]

                                                                                                  Imperial Emissary to Address Faithful Capsuleers in Amarr Prime During Jubilee Celebrations

                                                                                                    An address to the faithful in orbit of the Emperor Family Academy in Amarr system will be given by Cardinal Sourem Itharen, Capsuleer Emissary to the Court Chamberlain, as part of the Imperial Jubilee celebrations. The address by Cardinal Itharen is scheduled for the coronation anniversary, on Wednesday 27th, at 20:00 New Eden Standard Time. The Court Chamberlain's Office has indicated that it will include a communication to faithful capsuleers from Her Most Sublime and Imperial Majesty Catiz I, First [...]

                                                                                                    Amarr Empire Looks Forward to First Jubilee of Coronation of Empress Catiz I

                                                                                                      Amarr Prime - The first anniversary of the coronation of Empress Catiz I is to be celebrated in a Jubilee Week festival beginning Monday and culminating in a ritual renewal of vows of obedience to the Imperial Throne on Wednesday 27th. The Jubilee festivities will continue for the remainder of the week by order of Her Most Sublime and Imperial Majesty Catiz I, First Apostle of the True Faith and Sovereign Defender of the Imperial Rite. All Imperial subjects are commanded to make preparations for the [...]