An emergency meeting of high-ranking CONCORD officials was held in closed session earlier today, as confirmed by an anonymous source of impeccable reliability. The impromptu meeting was called following a tidal wave of reports from law enforcement agencies representing each of the five empires and some small, independent territories. "We can no longer guarantee the safety of our citizens. All efforts to restore order have failed. Officers have been slain. We implore CONCORD to come to our aid before [...]
Experiments by the Jovian Navy on its new deep space stasis web project went terribly bad an hour ago. The galactic ramifications of this dangerous technology far exceeded the predictions of the Jovians. The result was a total stasis webbification of all ships in almost all regions of space. Representatives from the Jove Empire have refused to comment further on the experiment, leading to speculations about the future intent for the stasis web project. Naturally, the other empires are concerned about [...]
A young and overly eager officer in the Faster Than Light Communication Commission (FTLCC), a branch of CONCORD, has tempered with the routing filters resulting in all sub-space comm channels with the symbols & in their names changed to spaces. FLTCC has brought in veteran communication engineers from the Ishukone Corporation to repair the routing tables. Once repairs have been done the channels will again get their normal names.
CONCORD has issued a travel warning to all those going through the Obe system, a popular hub and trade route. Apparently a loosely held group of terrorists and marauders have been preying on innocent traders. Without mercy, these evildoers prefer erasing all traces of their crimes by actually killing their victims. CONCORD will not stand idly by, and is now calling for re-inforcements. Until then, strong escort is recommended for lone travelers.
The SCC announced today the peaceful resolution of the strike that pervaded the educational sector yesterday, blocking all trading with skill packs. Details of the agreement were not made public but the Dean of the University of Caille, Carbircelle Hatiniestan was quoted as saying that "some significant synergistic rapprochements had been made leading to a lucrative arrangement for all parties involved".
Following profound disagreements between academics and the manufacturers of skill packs regarding their license fee, unions throughout have, in an unique demonstration of cooperation, blocked the availability of skill packs in all market regions. The SCC (Secure Commerce Commission) is expected to agree upon an emergency legislation in an extraordinary meeting tomorrow to re-establish order.
The empires are becoming concerned that independent individuals are harvesting too much of the stellar resources the empires had staked for their own use. Couple this with the intensified pirate activity due to increases in space traffic and the empires have a real problem on their hands. They have now joined forces in a program that will augment their authority throughout civilized space in the near future. The police will make itself more visible with more staff and increased number of patrols, for [...]
The SCC has become increasingly agitated with the influx of deceitful merchants dealing in wares which do not meet up to the expected standards. In addition the blatant bundling of various lousy salesmen, who sold ships to other people yet forgot to strip them of the extra equipment, further enlightened the SCC of how bad the situation had become. As a result the ruling body of the SCC has acted hastily to rectify the situation, and decreed that all ships and modules must henceforth be sold in a [...]
CONCORD has issued a warning statement of a suspected increase in pirate activity in the very near future. Experts on the situation believe that the pirates are intensifying their activity in response to dramatic increase in space travellers within regions traditionally associated with pirates. In order to acclimatize space farers to this new and dangerous situation the DED will make an exceptional effort to keep the pirates at bay, but these efforts can only be sustained for 24 hours or so. After [...]