New Eden News

The latest news from around the cluster as told by the special reporters of the news organizations of New Eden.

Galactic Hour News Roundup: Expansion and Construction Edition

    The Scope's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx brings your roundup of the latest news from all across New Eden as the Triglavian invasion's expansion into low-security space is accompanied by reports of new construction efforts in the depths of Abyssal Deadspace. CONCORD Taps New Eden Defense Fund to Combat Triglavian Expansion into Low-Security Space Yulai, Genesis - After a week of sustained conflict in multiple new war zones, the CONCORD Inner Circle has declared the expansion of Triglavian invasion [...]

    BREAKING: SCC Lifts Nullsec Bandwidth Limits After Restoration of FTL Infrastructure and Supplies

      Yulai, Genesis - The Secure Commerce Commission has confirmed that it is lifting bandwidth and usage limits on nullsec FTL communications via the New Eden fluid router network. The SCC states that they are doing so "due to restoration of affected FTL infrastructure and resumption of full supply of Quantum-Entangled 4-Helium across the network." Despite the ongoing Triglavian Invasion, and its expansion into the low-security periphery, the decision to lift nullsec communications limits has been [...]

      CEP and Caldari Navy Greenlight Jita 4-4 Expansion; PKN Interstellar Consortium Seals Contracts

        Jita, The Forge - A rumored scheme to expand the Caldari Navy's Jita 4-4 station was confirmed today, with the formal announcement by the Caldari State's Chief Executive Panel that it has approved plans and contracts for the project. The PKN Interstellar consortium, led by a group of three Caldari megacorporations, has won the bidding to renovate and significantly expand the most important station in the Caldari State, some would say in all of New Eden. PKN Interstellar was founded by the so-called [...]

        Space-Time Disturbances "Indicate a Spike in Wormholes" Leading to Drifter Hive Systems

          Yulai, Genesis - Project Discovery's network of deep space astrometric arrays has detected "an increase in spatio-temporal disturbances with a signature matching those emanating from unstable wormholes associated with Drifter Hive Systems," according to an advisory issued by the CONCORD Directive Intelligence Agency (CDIA). The CDIA advisory notes that this "could indicate a spike in wormholes forming as connections to Drifter Hive systems" and adds that "multiple spatio-temporal signals resonating [...]

          Galactic Hour News Roundup: Death and Taxes Edition

            The Scope's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx brings your roundup of the latest news from all across New Eden as tax and brokerage rises come into effect across SCC regulated markets. SCC Implements Tax and Brokerage Increases as NEDFA Comes into Force Yulai, Genesis - Following the swift passage in the CONCORD Assembly of the New Eden Defense Fund Act YC121 (NEDFA), the Secure Commerce Commission has implemented the increases in transaction tax and brokerage fees called for by the funding provisions of [...]

            BREAKING: CONCORD Assembly Passes Tax and Brokerage Increases to Bolster New Eden Defense Fund

              Yulai, Genesis - Substantially increased tax and broker fees are to be levied on interstellar market transactions by the Secure Commerce Commission, following today's passage in the CONCORD Assembly of the "New Eden Defense Fund Act YC121" (NEDFA). SCC markets will see base transaction tax increase from 2.00% to 5.00%, while the base brokerage fee will rise from 3.00% to 5.00%. Above: SCC poster promoting New Eden Defense Fund Act While the core empires supported the New Eden Defense Fund Act 's [...]

              Empires Urge CONCORD Assembly Action on New Eden Defense Fund Proposals

                Yulai, Genesis - Debate in the CONCORD Assembly of a proposed "New Eden Defense Fund" in a weekend-long special session has been marked by strong support for action to bolster New Eden defenses against the Triglavian invasion and other threats. The New Eden Defense Fund proposals outline an extensive program of works to improve planetary and colony defenses, and enhance the defensive and offensive capabilities of vital installations. The CONCORD Inner Circle referred the defense fund proposals from [...]

                DED and AEGIS Leadership Propose New Eden Defense Fund at Inner Circle War Council

                  Yulai, Genesis - CONCORD's military leadership submitted proposals for the establishment of a "New Eden Defense Fund" at this morning's meeting of the Inner Circle's War Council. The DED's Star Marshal Kjersidur Elladall and AEGIS Provost Marshal Kasiha Valkanir jointly advocated the measure in response to mounting losses of personnel, materiel, and installations vital to the fight against the Triglavian invasion and other emergent threats to New Eden. According to the plan outlined by Marshals [...]

                  Galactic Hour News Roundup: Lights Going Out Across New Eden Edition

                    The Scope's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx brings your roundup of the latest news from all across New Eden as the Secure Commerce Commission takes extraordinary measures in response to pressure from Drifter assaults and the continuing Triglavian invasions. SCC Confirms Limits on Nullsec Bandwidth to be "Maintained Indefinitely" Despite Fall in Drifter Assaults Yulai, Genesis - Following its imposition of bandwidth and usage limits on nullsec FTL communications via the New Eden fluid router network, [...]

                    Galactic Hour News Roundup: Drifter Destruction in Nullsec Edition

                      The Scope's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx brings your roundup of the latest news from all across New Eden as the Drifters assault a wide spread of nullsec systems and are reported sieging multiple capsuleer structures. Sudden Drifter Offensive in Outer Regions Takes CONCORD and Capsuleers by Surprise Yulai, Genesis - Drifter strike forces have been attacking at least 70 star systems, spread across the Outer Regions of New Eden's nullsec space, for the last two days, reports the Scope's Alton Haveri. [...]

                      Galactic Hour News Roundup: World Ark Aftermath Edition

                        The Scope's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx provides your roundup of the latest news from around New Eden as the Triglavian Collective brings its invasion to a new climax with the appearance of "World Arks" and new messages from the enigmatic Zorya Triglav. Terror from the Abyss as Triglavian World Arks Invade Multiple Star Systems Yulai, Genesis - Despite continued reassurances from CONCORD that the Triglavian invasion is "contained", the last week has seen repeated incursions of the vast "World Ark" [...]

                        Galactic Hour News Roundup: Triglavian Major Conduits Established Edition

                          The Scope's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx brings your roundup of the latest news from around New Eden as the Triglavian Collective continues its invasion and efforts to establish persistent conduits from its domains in Abyssal Deadspace into the very core of the cluster. Triglavian Invaders Using Major Conduits to Bring Reinforcements to New Eden Yulai, Genesis - Triglavian invasion forces have once again escalated the scale of their deployment in New Eden, confirming that the Collective are working [...]

                          Galactic Hour News Roundup: Triglavian Space-Time Conduit Escalation Edition

                            The Scope's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx brings your roundup of the latest news from around New Eden as the Triglavian Collective escalates its operations to establish persistent conduits through space-time from the depths of Abyssal Deadspace into K-space itself. New Triglavian Strategy Emerges As Collective Establishes "Minor Conduits" Yulai, Genesis - A new phase in the Triglavian invasion has developed in the last few days, with it becoming clear that the appearance of sites of space-time [...]

                            Galactic Hour News Roundup: Invaders from the Abyss Edition

                              The Scope's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx brings your roundup of the latest news from around New Eden as Triglavian invaders from Abyssal Deadspace roam throughout "high-security space" while CONCORD advises the people of the Cluster to "remain in situ and stay calm". Invasion Fleets Roaming at Will Across High-Security Space Yulai, Genesis - Since the first appearance of Triglavian ships in clusters of systems centered on Colelie, Haatomo and Yuhelia last Tuesday, a large number of systems across [...]

                              Galactic Hour News Roundup: Conspiracies Everywhere Edition

                                The Scope's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx brings a roundup of news from around the cluster as claims of conspiracy and plots emerge amidst concerns of a looming Triglavian invasion. SOE Splinter Group Claims CONCORD Preparing "Safe Zones" and "Bunkers for Elites" as Invasion Fears Mount Yulai, Genesis - The Pharos of Thera group, a splinter faction of the Sisters of EVE, has claimed that CONCORD is preparing extensive "safe zones" and even "planetary bunkers and other survival strongholds for the [...]

                                Galactic Hour News Roundup: Capsuleer Day YC121 Edition

                                  The Scope's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx brings a roundup of news from around New Eden as capsuleers across the cluster celebrate the 16th anniversary of independent capsuleer licensing on Capsuleer Day YC121. Capsuleer Day YC121 Celebrations Across New Eden Around New Eden the celebrations are getting into full swing as Capsuleer Day is marked by capsuleers, space-industrial corporations and baseliner fans and aspirants to the status of "The Elite" across New Eden. The Upwell Consortium has issued [...]

                                  Galactic Hour News Roundup: Impending Invasion? Edition

                                    The Scope's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx brings a roundup of news from around New Eden to GalNet as continuing transmission from Triglavian sources indicate increasingly ominous signs of what capsuleer explorers and analysts believe is an impending invasion from the Abyss! Triglavian Transmissions Reveal "World Ark" and Star Survey Activity New developments in the nature of data received via Triglavian "Semiosis Conduction Consoles" have emerged, with datastreams that apparently show the [...]

                                    Op-ed: Over Ten Years On, It's Not Too Late to Strip Noir of his Statue

                                      Note: The Scope 's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx is reproducing this op-ed piece by syndication arrangement with the author and the Villore Clarion , where it first appeared on YC121-04-28. When cameramen and photographers set up their equipment on a suburban lawn in early YC110, only an hour before the arrival of the chairman, they had no way of knowing how infamous the image of a smiling Admiral Alexander Noir standing on his front step, holding an Aidonis Statue would become. At the time, Admiral [...]

                                      Galactic Hour News Roundup: Semiotic Shenanigans Edition

                                        The Scope 's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx brings a roundup of news from around New Eden to GalNet as mysterious communications believed to originate from Triglavian sources continue to fuel speculation among capsuleers of an impending "invasion". Capsuleers Pore Over Triglavian Data Routed to Holders of Semiosis Devices For some weeks, capsuleers have been receiving data that appears to be Triglavian in origin and sharing their findings with the public. The Scope's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx [...]

                                        New Caldari Ishukone Erection 3 Meters Taller Than Kaalakiota Erection

                                          New Caldari Prime - Ishukone unveiled its latest addition to their New Caldari headquarters complex, Momoriyota Plaza, this morning: a major extension to the communications and viewing spire of the megacorp's primary skyscraper. As a result of this new extension, the towering edifice sets the planet's record for tallest building. It supplants the previous record holder, Kaalakiota, which has a campus a few kilometers away from Ishukone's central complex. The Momoriyota Plaza is the anchoring ground [...]

                                          Galactic Hour News Roundup: Triglavian Billboard Takeover Edition

                                            The Scope's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx brings a roundup of news from around New Eden to GalNet as the cluster's inhabitants continue to ponder the meaning of the message being broadcast by the Triglavians across stargate and station billboards. DED Plays Down the Discourse 's Claims of Declaration of War by Triglavian Collective The Directive Enforcement Department has played down claims by capsuleer news program The Discourse that the Triglavian message constitutes a declaration of war by the [...]

                                            Galar-Yu Circle, Ihumanoana Circle, Riri Clan Arrange Compromise in Ndokassi Dispute

                                              Hukerenui township, Huggar (Pator III) - Representatives of the Galar-Yu Circle, the Brutor Tribe, and Riri Clan announced today that they had negotiated an agreement on the ndokassi relics dispute. The ndokassi had been discovered on lands belonging to the Riri Clan of the Sebiestor Tribe, however this area is also recorded as once being held by the defunct Great Clan of Kul-Brutor. The discovery by archaeologists of the Vherokior Tribe's Galar-Yu Circle sparked a heritage property controversy [...]

                                              CONCORD Press Conference on Drifters Disrupted by Shouting Match Between Scope Journalist and Amarr Inner Circle Member

                                                Yulai - There were extraordinary scenes at a press conference called this morning by CONCORD to address reports of growing Drifter activity across New Eden, as it was disrupted by an argument between the Scope's Ret Gloriaxx and Amarr Delegate to the Inner Circle, Captain Marshal Sirdan xer Qosh. The presser took a discordant turn during the Q&A when Ret Gloriaxx of the Scope's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx, asked for comment on Drifter and CONCORD activities in Semiki system. The press conference [...]

                                                Ishukone and CEP Battle SARO in CONCORD Assembly Over Dangerous Research Materials

                                                  Yulai - Following an order from SARO Command Liaison Captain Oveg Drust that capsuleer organization Arakata Research Consortium [-ARC-] hand over its stockpile of over 20,000 Triglavian trinary samples, and a confidential appeal by the Caldari State and associated parties, current State Delegate to the Inner Circle and Ishukone CEO Mens Reppola formally argued the State case at the CONCORD Assembly today. The committee session handling the appeal was ordered to be held in the open after applications [...]

                                                  Whistleblower Releases Undamaged Manifest in Ndokassi Dispute

                                                    Huggar (Pator III) - A dispute over the fate of a rare cache of intact ndokassi artefacts has sharpened into an ethical controversy, after a whistleblower revealed lead archaeologist Gesila Fraemar's claim that the manifest had been corrupted to be inaccurate and allegedly a deliberate deception. Aratera Kurn, a graduate student and member of the Galar-Yu Circle, uploaded an undamaged copy of the ndokassi cache manifest to the dark GalNet forum "the Core", this morning. Kurn's release follows the [...]

                                                    Rare Archeological Find Sparks Inter-Tribal Dispute

                                                      Huggar (Pator III) - Controversy has erupted after the Galar-Yu Circle, an archaeology group associated with the Vherokior Tribe, successfully unearthed a rare cache of ndokassi hidden beneath the fields of a farmstead in the rural outskirts of Hukerenui township and transferred them to an off-planet research facility. Ndokassi are advanced storage containers, typically measuring a third of a meter on each side, that are known to have been in use across the Minmatar Empire, well before the Amarr [...]

                                                      Semiki Situation Deteriorates; Ishukone Watch Releases Initial Findings

                                                        Semiki, Lonetrek - The situation remains chaotic on the Zainou Biohazard Containment Facility and Aliastra Warehouse stations in Semiki, after an adaptive virus infiltrated their networks a week ago. In the latest incident today, an unmanned internal transit car within the Zainou station accelerated beyond safety limits and derailed, crashing through several internal bulkheads and injuring dozens of residents. Aboard the Aliastra Warehouse, employees with compromised implants continue to suffer a [...]

                                                        Senator Suvio Bellaron Proposes Total Ban on Capital Punishment

                                                          Villore - Senator Suvio Bellaron of the Intaki system, proposed a new bill in the Gallente Federal Senate, today, aimed at abolishing capital punishment at the Federal level and imposing strict guidelines on methods of capital punishment for member state and constituent polity governments, legislatures and courts. Senator Bellaron's bill comes in the wake of public outrage over the Jin-Mei nation's use of punitive exile, which critics accused of being little more than a prolonged death sentence. The [...]

                                                          Semiki Zainou Biohazard Containment Compromised; Lai Dai Under Suspicion

                                                            Semiki, Lonetrek - An intruder with alleged connections to Lai Dai broke into the Semiki IV Zainou Biohazard Containment Facility, and was apprehended by station authorities after accessing and sabotaging several station systems, the Scope has learned. It is understood that the breach was detected in time to issue a station-wide stop and detain alert to all security forces. Allegedly, one Steine Vailakkel, 45, was apprehended under a false identity by an officer in the Wiyrkomi Peace Corps. Vailakkel [...]

                                                            Thebeka Holders Outraged as Paramilitary Forces Accused of Taking Slaves; Notorious Khanid Slaver Arrested

                                                              Thebeka, Domain - Accusations of opportunistic and illegal slave-taking have been levelled at paramilitary forces participating in counter-insurgency operations on Thebeka III, where a slave rebellion provoked by chemical weapon terror attacks is entering its fifth week. The sense of outrage among the Holders of Thebeka III has been heightened by the reported arrest of the notorious slaver Orlon Zashev, a former Sardar-Colonel in the Khanid Royal Uhlans alleged to have carried out war crimes and slave [...]

                                                              Amarr Steps Up Border Patrols; Alleges Republic Interference in Internal Affairs

                                                                Yulai - The Amarr Empire has confirmed that the recent appearance of Imperial Navy flotillas in key border systems with the Minmatar Republic are a response to the Republic Fleet taskforces sent to the Auga, Isbrabata and Vard systems. Coming from a meeting of the Privy Council to the standing emergency session of the Inner Circle in Yulai, Captain Marshal Sirdan xer Qosh said: "The Amarr Empire will defend its sovereign space with all the might at our disposal and with the force of law and God's will [...]

                                                                Minmatar Republic Deploys Blockade Taskforces in Escalation Against Amarr Empire

                                                                  Yulai - The Republic Fleet has deployed taskforces to key regional border systems in the disputed territories between the Amarr Empire and the Minmatar Republic. CONCORD's Inner Circle was given notice of this action by Minmatar delegate Keitan Yun. "The Minmatar Republic cannot stand by and tolerate the recurring violent suppression of our brothers and sisters in slavery by the Amarr Empire. The Tribal Council has instructed the Sanmatar to mobilize the Republic Fleet and enforce a blockade of the [...]

                                                                  Amarr Forces Respond to Terrorist Attacks and Slave Revolts on Five Worlds

                                                                    Amarr Prime - Military and security forces of the Amarr Empire have been responding to yesterday's series of terrorist attacks on five Amarr planets over the past 24 hours. Reports from the different locales indicate a variety of approaches to dealing with the aftermath of the attacks, apparently depending on their impact and the posture of local authorities. Claims that the hallucinogenic Deathglow and mutagenic Insorum boosters were used in the attacks appear to have been confirmed by some planetary [...]

                                                                    Multiple Terrorist Attacks Against Amarr Empire as Privy Council Meets

                                                                      Amarr Prime - As the Amarr Empire's Privy Council met in special session today, a series of terrorist attacks were carried out on five Amarr worlds across the Empire. Reports of attacks on Alkabsi IV, Dakba IV, Mabnen I, Sehmy III and Thebeka III have been confirmed by the Scope, while Amarr sources indicate the mobilization of Ministry of Internal Order forces across the Empire. Imperial Navy forces are said to be on high alert though no incursions into Amarr space are being reported. While the [...]

                                                                      SuVee-Quafe Joint Venture Secures Outside Contract with Kaalakiota

                                                                        Annaro, The Citadel - Everfresh, a partnership between megacorporations Sukuuvestaa and Quafe, announced its first contract outside the partnership today. News of the contract, which provides food services to Kaalakiota's massive creche infrastructure, preceded a slight bump in both Quafe and SuVee stock. Currently, Everfresh is the primary provider of meal and nutrition services to SuVee's creche network. Comprehensive meal and nutrition services for megacorp creches pose logistical challenges beyond [...]

                                                                        Maintenance Mayhem as Machinery Mutinies on M-N7WD III

                                                                          M-N7WD III, Curse - Angel Cartel-affiliated planetary defense forces have been celebrating after "fighting off an attack by a suspected rogue drone" on the third planet of M-N7WD, today. Sources among the local Salvation Angels group told the Scope that they believed the attack to be evidence of a new rogue drone swarm or even Triglavian Collective subversion of rogue drones in their space. Further investigation by the Scope's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx, however, revealed the true story to be an [...]

                                                                          Republic and Federation Impose Sanctions on Amarr Empire for "Insufficient Response to Kahah Massacres"

                                                                            Great Caravanserai, Matar - The Minmatar Republic and Gallente Federation governments have approved trade sanctions against the Amarr Empire, as a response to the Empire's handling of the recent violence in the Kahah system. The Republic resolution, reportedly drafted two weeks ago, was announced by the Tribal Council to coincide with President Jacus Roden's signing of complementary Federation sanctions measures this morning. "The Empire has long brutalized and massacred the oppressed under the rubric [...]

                                                                            Ishukone and Hyasyoda Call for Tribunal to Open Case Over Claims of NOH and CBD Smuggling

                                                                              New Caldari - Ishukone and Hyasyoda have submitted findings from a year-long joint investigation into alleged smuggling by Nugoeihuvi and CBD to the Caldari Business Tribunal, calling on the Caldari intercorporate court to open a case that may lead to penalties for the accused megacorps. Witness testimony, shipping manifests, and whistle-blowers support claims that the NOH and CBD megacorporations used extralegal means of moving goods and peoples across the border during the YC119 partial closure, [...]

                                                                              Queen Zidarez Claims Kahah Pacification Successful, Criticizes "Foreign Exaggeration" of Casualties

                                                                                Khanid Prime - Queen Zidarez Khanid claimed the successful pacification of Kahah in an interview with Dark Amarr News today, her first public appearance since the Deathglow bombings and slave rebellion in that system. Queen Zidarez, seemingly quite recovered from her injuries, also spoke of her experiences on Kahah III when the chemical attacks began. When questioned on the crisis, Queen Zidarez said that Khanid forces had "eliminated all remaining rebel strongholds" and claimed that they were "no [...]

                                                                                Mysterious Triglavian GalNet Worm Unlocks Abyssal Filament Configuration for Frigates

                                                                                  Yulai, Genesis - An active information worm attributed to the Triglavian Collective has been deployed to the GalNet fluid router system, reports the Secure Commerce Commission. The purpose of the worm appears to be to interact with Triglavian filament technology, reconfiguring it to permit support of frigate-sized ships. The self-replicating and -propagating information worm has spread itself across the fluid router network at "extraordinary speed" according to sources in the SCC. "We're unable to [...]

                                                                                  Upwell Consortium Looks Forward to Increased Profits Ahead of 'FLEX' Product Line Launch

                                                                                    4C-B7X, Outer Ring - In a holomeeting with corporate and institutional investors, Upwell Consortium Chairman Yani Sar Arteu noted the sustained increase in Upwell profits through quarters one to three YC120, and stated that the Consortium fully expects profits to increase further in quarter four with the launch of their 'Fast Logistical EXpansion' or 'FLEX' product line, next week. The Upwell Consortium revealed its plans for the FLEX product line of structures at a corporate press event on the [...]

                                                                                    Kahah Situation Escalates to Mass Violence in Space; Khanid Forces and CONCORD Respond

                                                                                      Kahah, Khanid Kingdom - Open conflict between the Royal Khanid Navy and Minmatar capsuleers from the Ushra'Khan alliance broke out last night, as the ongoing Kahah Rebellion continues to provoke strong passions in the interstellar community. The incident saw a Minmatar militia freighter destroyed by the intervention of a Khanid Navy Aeon -class supercarrier, and an apparent retaliatory strike on a CONCORD observer vessel by Ushra'Khan capsuleers. Khanid forces were responding to an attempt to land [...]

                                                                                      Bakkomolu Productions Dissolved Amidst NOH/Wiyrkomi Row

                                                                                        Josameto, The Forge - In a surprise move early this morning, Nugoeihuvi Corporation filed financial instruments with the House of Records dissolving their Bakkomolu Productions holofilm subsidiary. The move comes after Bakkomolu's azelokaivatko comedy Family Business was the subject of a legal action brought before the Caldari Business Tribunal by rival megacorp Wiyrkomi. NOH released a statement, which read in part, "Due to market conditions as well as recent legal attacks, Bakkomolu Productions will [...]

                                                                                        All "Cursed" Refugees Now in Quarantine on Gallente Prime

                                                                                          Caille, Gallente Prime - Cheers were muted this morning after the arrival of the final batch of Lirsautton VI refugees and their subsequent sequestration within the Jen Yiona Hospital biocontainment unit. Capsuleers from various organizations, including the United Neopian Federation and Arataka Research Consortium, aided in the evacuations, under the terms of the agreement brokered by the Ensinate of Central Garoun, which took place over several days. While it is standard procedure for refugee [...]

                                                                                          Republic and Federation Condemn "Kahah Massacres"; Threaten Sanctions or Worse

                                                                                            Yulai - Tensions escalated between the CONCORD powers yesterday after Republic and Federation delegates threatened the Amarr Empire with sanctions or worse over the crisis in the Kahah system during a special session of the Inner Circle. Special Representative Keitan Yun and Ambassador Devan Malate, the Republic and Federation delegates to the CONCORD Inner Circle, issued a joint statement condemning the Khanid Kingdom over its handling of the uprisings, and called for a cessation to hostilities in [...]

                                                                                            Raid on Khanid Slave Ship Fails to Free "Lost Idama"

                                                                                              Vezila, Khanid Kingdom - Intaki extremists assaulted the cruiser Pure Faith 's Harvest belonging to Sa-Baron Atazil Kufail, earlier today, apparently in hopes of freeing a slave said to be a "lost Idama". Three frigates carrying the extremists intercepted the cruiser as it was at a transit point between the Gehi stargate and the Royal Khanid Navy Assembly Plant above Vezila IV. After a brief firefight, the attackers managed to disable and board the vessel while it called for help from local Khanid [...]

                                                                                              Kahah Uprisings: "Massacres a Humanitarian Crisis" say Republic and Federation Protestors

                                                                                                Kahah, Khanid Kingdom - After an apparent Blood Raider attack using the "Deathglow" chemical triggered widespread slave uprisings in the Kahah system, and fears that Queen Zidarez Khanid had been killed, brutal "pacification" efforts by Khanid forces are sparking protests across New Eden. The situation in the system is widely viewed as a humanitarian crisis. As a major food production center, with some of the largest slaveholdings in the Kingdom, Kahah presents a unique challenge to Khanid troops, and [...]

                                                                                                Garouni Royals Negotiate Third Option in Capsuleer-Sang Do Dispute

                                                                                                  Tei-Su (Chandeille), Lirsautton - Newly married Ensi Beatrice Batteuse and Ensil Consort Jeras Alaila arrived at the Ensinate of Central Garoun's embassy on the Jin-Mei homeworld early yesterday morning, in order to advocate in defense of humanitarian operations spearheaded by capsuleer organisations ARC and UNF-A. The royal couple, representing their Federation member state, successfully persuaded the Sang Do council to reconsider filing criminal charges against either alliance. Charges being [...]

                                                                                                  Kahah Casualties in the Millions; Deathglow Drug Linked to Attacks; Queen Zidarez Injured but Safe

                                                                                                    Kahah III, Khanid Kingdom - Many millions of casualities are being reported on Kahah III, and other planets in the Kahah system, following a series of chemical weapon attacks, widespread slave revolts and "pacification actions" by Khanid forces. Chemical weapon attacks were carried out two days ago, across several planets of the Kahah system. The weaponized chemicals are reported to have been analyzed and incorporate the drug "Deathglow", a hallucinogenic derivative of the rare mineral Chromodynamic [...]

                                                                                                    Major Chemical Weapons Attacks in Khanid Kingdom; Queen Zidarez Missing; Slave Revolts Reported

                                                                                                      Kahah III, Khanid Kingdom - A series of major chemical weapons attacks has been carried out in the Khanid Kingdom system of Kahah. The strikes appear to have been timed to coincide with a tour of inspection of facilities on Kahah III by Queen Zidarez Khanid, consort of King Khanid III and Grand Admiral of the Royal Khanid Navy. Queen Zidarez is said to be missing amidst reports of widespread slave revolts in the system. While Khanid forces are attempting to impose planetary quarantines, reports [...]