Annaro, The Citadel - Everfresh, a partnership between megacorporations Sukuuvestaa and Quafe, announced its first contract outside the partnership today. News of the contract, which provides food services to Kaalakiota's massive creche infrastructure, preceded a slight bump in both Quafe and SuVee stock.
Currently, Everfresh is the primary provider of meal and nutrition services to SuVee's creche network. Comprehensive meal and nutrition services for megacorp creches pose logistical challenges beyond the cluster standard for children's meal plans. While a public school in the Federation or Republic may serve one or two meals on school days, an average creche within the State must be capable of supplying all daily meals, every day of the week.
An additional level of logistical complexity is entailed when specialized creches provide end-of-life care for retirees whose family prefers to defer their guardian responsibilities to professionals. With care for the elderly through a "return to mother megacorp" becoming commonplace, meal and nutrition services within the State must offer balanced plans for the elderly, as well as each stage of childhood.
Everfresh has managed to carve a niche in the creche food service industry beyond normal megacorp boundaries, with Quafe working to its strengths in food preparation and long-term planning and Sukuuvestaa supplying fresh ingredients from its extensive network of agriworlds.
According to Kiruma Wasakaila, a market analyst with Kaimon Partners, "Kaalakiota might seem to be an unconventional customer for Quafe, and the deal is probably more of a reflection of SuVee connections with KK, but the partnership between SuVee and Quafe is unconventional to start with. A deeper look shows that the combination of SuVee's enormous agricultural operations, and Quafe's expertise in processing and distribution have led to an overall drop of 3% in costs. And that's just for SuVee internally, once Everfresh replaced their in-house group."
SuVee's previous forays in the food preparation industry have been public relation disasters, such as the Protein Delicacies scandal of YC105. In the 15 years since then, the previously strained relationship between SuVee and Quafe has become professional and businesslike, confounding expectations of corporate conflict between the two giants.
While the full details of the Kaalakiota contract have not been announced, experts are suggesting the projected savings may be even higher due to KK's larger creche network, overall older demographics and considerable interests in veterans' retirement barracks.