After two years of lotteries on a bi-weekly basis, BIG has decided to celebrate their 53rd round with a special lottery in honour of their second year anniversary. Regular BIG lotteries only feature one winner, claiming the first prize of 250,000,000 isk. This time however to reflect the special occasion BIG has doubled the first prize and added other prizes, including a variety of Tech II items. We at the Interstellar Correspondents department have managed to get in contact with BIG’s CEO, TornSoul [...]
After two years of lotteries on a bi-weekly basis, BIG has decided to celebrate their 53rd - “2 year anniversary” - round with a special lottery. Regular BIG lotteries only feature one winner, claiming the first prize of 250,000,000 isk. This time however to reflect the special occasion BIG has doubled the first prize and added other prizes, including a variety of Tech II times. We at the Interstellar Correspondents department have managed to get in contact with BIG’s CEO TornSoul for a few questions [...]
Mr Frantian Brinor has been a long term employee at Perkone, managing warehouse storage and manufacturing processes for many years. Though sadly as was found out last night, as the body recovered from his ships wreckage was identified as him, he had lead not just Perkone, but everyone astray. He has been positively identified as the man behind the mysterious ships that have been plaguing most of The Forge for nearly two months now, causing innumerable deaths. A man who has lied to countless citizens [...]
What struck me during the interviews with both Yoristar and Chowdown is that both commented on a meeting that happened between Five and Xetic, they however do disagree on who started the negotiations and what exactly it was about. Chowdown said the following on the matter: "A Xetic leader approached us for a conversation to do a deal with us regarding the future of Xetic, what he proposed was hopeful at best. This brought an end to our talk, however he was talking for a united Xetic but after the [...]
Ever since the announcement was made that several corporations were leaving the Xetic alliance, everybody has been asking the same question: why? I was lucky enough to arrange several meetings with leading officials from several involved parties. I interviewed Chowdown and Smith both from Shinra, and thelung198 from Arcane Technologies. Both these corporations belong to a group of corporations known as the Five. I also talked to Yoristar from the corporation 911, belonging to the Xetic alliance, and [...]
After several busy nights in the Nonni and Jita systems, where large quantities of contraband have changed hands, speculations grow as to who might be the driving force behind these purchases. Among the contraband obtained are drugs, slaves and DNA samples, giving new strength to suspicions about their use in a drastic new research project. So far only two freelance traders, Kerio Ekoena and Leiara Xjenion have been positively identified as buyers, supposedly working for a third party corporation. [...]
Late yesterday evening at 10pm EVE standard time, a fleet of what have been described as ‘Marauders’ were reported to have been probing defences across the Providence and Catch regions. Military analysts have described the actions against pod pilots as ‘more in line with probing techniques rather than that of true acts of piracy’, Marauder attacks have been reported throughout the regions and a number of industrial ships have not reported in from their transport routes. The main sightings of these [...]
In a further turn of events, ships, which had formerly been appearing within the Ihatalo constellation near the Paala system, re-appeared last night much closer to the central Hub systems within the region. The perpetrators of the act are again the mysteriously named “liosH riesunS” corporation, who have been randomly attacking pilots an pirates such as Kyogen Steiner for weeks now. Last night they attacked again near the Osmon system, without provocation and again CONCORD ships took no action to [...]
Yesterday the Genesis region, home of CONCORD and the widely accepted centre of civilised space, played host to events far from usual, even for this heavily trafficked region of space. Converging from all over the known universe, ships flocked to the CONCORD Assembly station to celebrate the formation of a new alliance. An alliance which, according to its founders will allow pilots to “choose their own destiny”, as was announced by senior alliance officials. This alliance calls itsself the FLA, or the [...]
The system of Scolluzer, like many others in EVE is a hive of activity, where thousands of pilots make deals they hope will bring them riches. Tonight it played host to a different and altogether more suspicious deal which was, rather oddly, discussed over the local communications net. Roni Rylly, an old pilot with a less than impressive resume was waiting to meet a courier who was somewhat more than late. A second pilot, Emilio Ostaban offered to use a location agent to find the missing courier. It [...]
Ubiqua Seraph, an Amarr Loyalist corporation that is well known for their unique stance on Amarr politics, was the victim of the largest corporation theft in living memory earlier this week. The theft occured mere days after the official formation of the Aegis Militia alliance, of which Ubiqua Seraph was the executor. Ubiqua Seraph had been struck by the Guiding Hand Social Club, a corporation which, according to GHSC founder and public relations officer Istvaan Shogaatsu, "offers...unconventional [...]
Empires rise and Empires fall, but tonight saw the rise of the latest one, for tonight was the ceremony which formally announced the formation of the Aegis Militia Alliance. Meeting in Haras, at the second starbase they have opened to reclaim the system from the Blood Raiders, pilots from the 4 member corporations, Murkon Prime Interstellar Productions, The Aeternus Crusade, Amarria Auxillia and the executor corporation, Ubiqua Seraph, ratified the charter which they have all sworn an oath to follow. [...]
Lately, the Intergalactic Summit on GalNet is the source for a relatively new group of people, the posthumanists. One of these people, Kaleigh doyle, has erected a political party, and is currently trying to run for Gallente President, a candidacy that has not yet been confirmed or denied. I have had the opportunity to send her a short list of questions, on her party ideals. In the past, you have been mostly associated with public actions surrounding the Glamour Bunnies, as well as feeding and housing [...]
Hamish, CEO of the Tribal Trust of Pator and High Council memberof the Ushra’Khan, was revealed to have commission the theft of Golan Trevize’s prized award. In an open communications channel on GalNet, he confessed to have the Cross stolen: "I have your medal in my possession. I am the one who commissioned its theft, although I did not carry it out personally. Since you so kindly provided a log of how you dealt with the hoaxer Budy, I know exactly how to deal with you now. The medal remains in the [...]
In an earlier news report, we stated that a pilot known as "Budy" claimed to be hold Admiral Trevize's prized medal. this information turned out to be false, as you can read in this open GalNet channel Although it is unknown who holds the medal at this time, has been studied by Admiral Trevize. It shows his prized slaver dogs were manipulated by an as-yet unidentified individual. Again, we will have more inormation when it becomes available.
Since the demand was made two days ago by freespace radicalist organization The Star Fraction that Amarrian nationalist paramilitaries the Curatores Veritatis Alliance hand over to them 500 Sebiestor slaves due to be auctioned off in the near future, the GalNet forums have been awash with debate. The Interstellar Correspondents recently managed to get a hold of owner-captain Jade Constantine of the SF for answers to a few questions surrounding the situation. Soleil Sarrasin: Miss Constantine, there [...]
Hamish of the Tribal Trust of Pator issued a statement regarding the latest news piece involving the Ushra'Khan alliance, a Minmatar freedom fighter organisation. I have chosen to re-print the statement in full. You can find the original piece on the GalNet forums here. "I would just like to correct some misunderstandings that seem to have snuck into the piece. First I'd like to point out that the reporter in question was present for the escort at our invitation and was provided with information and [...]
The Ushra’Kahn rejoiced this week in what they see as a key victory over the CVA and other Amarr loyalists; acquisition of one of the famed Imperial Issue Armageddons. Icarus Starkiller, the Minmatar who received the ship won it in the popular BIG lottery. The fact that an Armageddon was the prize had been massively publicised and many Minmatar put in their money hoping to win it and have something to show against the Amarr Empire. Fortunately for them, one of them won. The Minmatar pilots jeered [...]
The Caldari Gaming Commission this evening will host an award ceremony for the winning team of this year's COLOSSUS championships. The reception, to be held at Lai Dai's headquarters in Airkio, will be hosted by Gaming Commission Head Airas Sukela and Lai Dai CEO Alakoni Ishanoya. Ten Caldari Navy-issue Ravens, a Caldari Navy-issue Caracal and a Caldari Navy Hookbill will be given away in addition to the grand individual prize, a fearsome Rattlesnake battleship. The winners of the Year 106 COLOSSUS [...]
The largest alliance in the galaxy, The Xetic Federation, inaugurated their first elected president on Saturday in Yulai. Hundreds of Xetic members, as well as representatives from most of the other major alliances, turned out to witness the event and participate in the festivities. The onlookers cheered as Conram of the XTrading Company, and CYVOK of Celestial Horizon were sworn in as President and Vice President respectively. President Conram made a stirring speech about the future and called upon [...]
A little while ago, I had the pleasure to do a little research regarding the rumoured demise of the Curse Alliance. One of the people I interviewed was Gunship, ex Curse Alliance war general. While talking to him, it became apparent that he had a tale to tell. I decided to publish the tale, as it was told to me. From CA nobody to War General. - By Gunship First of all, this is my story; there are thousand of stories. What you read here is based on facts (no lies), my facts, my views and my perception. [...]
With the recent collapse of the Curse Alliance, many displaced corps have been trying to find their way in the galaxy. The latest, and surely the biggest, new group to arise from the ashes of the Curse Alliance is Imperium. Imperium is made up of a coalition of corporations that have been working together for the past few weeks inside the Syndicate and Outer Ring regions, including Vengeance of the Fallen, Rona-KIA, ClanKillers, Ascendance Industries, and Rome but to name a few. This new Imperium is [...]
Providence: a region which has been the stage for one of the most elusive band of pirates seems to be now returning to normal, as reports of attacks on vessels have decreased. Mercenary fighters have been swift to claim recognition for this turn of events. After hearing the warning issued by the Amarrian defence forces, alerting their citizens to the dangers in providence, they decided to take matters into their own hands. One mercenary was boasting that they "have driven the pilots from the region, [...]
Never has fighting in the Great Wildlands region ever surmounted to such a point it would ever spill into empire space. Last night, the resident faction in Great Wildlands 'The Keiretsu' sought to take the fight to claim the Great Wildlands region further than most would have ever expected by chasing and engaging resistance forces 'The Foundation' in the empire system of Egbinger. Molden Heath locals looked on in complete disbelief as the Great Wildlands resistance forces the Foundation fought a [...]
During recent weeks, galactic recognition of the Abolition party of Amarr has gone from strength to strength. This Thursday saw their third rally in as many weeks, where they were trying to gather support for their cause, and send their messages to the hearts of the governments of whose systems they choose to rally in. And with each rally, more pilots of all races voice their support, most importantly perhaps the many Matari freedom fighter corporations who, although initially sceptical and [...]
Arcane Technologies regretfully announced that they had to cancel their eagerly anticipated “Inter Alliance Industrial Cup” because of lack of interest. The Cup was scheduled for today. For all the hype and interest which this sparked, no teams decided to participate, leaving the organisers disappointed. However, that is nothing compared to the millions of extreme sports enthusiasts who were preparing for what they saw as the biggest sporting breakthrough since the mind clash and SplinterZ. However, [...]
In the days since the last article on the Curse Alliance, its member count went from roughly 2300 to around 700. Although it is impossible for us to confirm which corporations have definitively left the Curse Alliance, we received a list of those that have taken up Stain Empire’s offer from thebold. These corporations have presumably left the Curse Alliance, for various reasons. The list numbers around 30. Judging from the number of corporations that are still left, these corporations are Kill on [...]
Yulai, the centre for trade, diplomacy and travel, last Sunday played host to yet another chapter in the ensuing conflict of interests between the Amarrian slavers and the anti-slaver factions. Although the various systems have seen many rallies with the aim of freeing the slaves in mind, this one was slightly different. Instead of being organised and run by a Minmatar freedom fighter corporation or alliance, this one was initiated by an Amarrian citizen. Shira d'Radonis, a member of the Abolition [...]
My ship came out of warp near Yulai 3 with a shudder while explosions flared around me. A battle was raging during what was supposed to be a peaceful protest against slavery. As I tried to make sense of what I saw, I caught the telltale streaks of ships entering warp. I had arrived just as one side of the conflict retreated, leaving the field of battle to a PIE fleet, golden Apocalypse and Armageddon battleships, along with smaller ships, surrounded by the forlorn shapes of abandoned drones, most [...]
Yet another major battle occured tonight in the VV-VCR system of the Syndicate region between the forces of JQA/3rd Front Alliance and a loose coalition of ex-Curse Alliance corporations. Despite a valiant effort on their part, and a great deal of determination, the JQA/3rd Front forces were overmatched. This is the latest in a series of battles that have occured over the last week within syndicate between these two groups. When asked before the battle about the fighting, Clipped Wings of the 3rd [...]
Yesterday, at 00:00 eve time, Shinra announced their departure from the Curse Alliance. As Shinra is one of the first members of the Curse Alliance, some say one of the founding members, this comes as quite a surprise. Chowdown, one of the two Shinra leaders, explained Shinra leaving as follows: "Although we still have a lot of friends in the CA, and we are very proud of what we achieved as an alliance, our member base was growing tired of facing the unrelenting pressure of our enemies, Stain Empire, [...]
The following is an unedited press release from the Stain Empire. From: HQ Stain Empire Felix Legion TRANSMISSION Fellow Stain Citizens The path, that lies behind our great nation is long. After one and a half years of war, of fighting, killing and dying, it is full of tears and blood. The hostility between us and the Curse Alliance came out of aversion and mistrust from a small number of corporations. But during our war the respect for each others has grown. Both armies fought brave with ferocity and [...]
What was supposed to have been a peaceful event, where Caldari from all walks of life could remember the passing of Caldari Prime into Gallentean hands, turned into a bloodbath. After Jera, the CEO of the celebrated soft drinks manufacturer Drink Starsi™, host and main speaker of the event, arrived and welcomed the participants, Gallente Navy vessels warped to the scene and opened fire on Jera’s Industrial class vessel. While Yuki Li of Omerta Syndicate warned the Navy in local channels that further [...]
Within weeks of Concord recognising the outer rim alliances as sovereign nation-states, Arcane Technologies (ATUK) has organised their first official tournament. In a press release earlier this week, ATUK representative Stan Hyd announced a championship with a difference, the first Inter-Alliance Industrial Cup. Teams of eight pilots from all of the alliances will be allowed to compete against each other in a loadout-unrestricted, anything-goes battle, the only catch being that industrial ships are [...]
The BIG lottery, a bi-weekly event held by BIG corporation, is proud to announce their second best prize ever! This highly coveted item, the Imperial Issue Armageddon, will be handed out to the winner of the forty-second Lottery. The winner of the lottery will be announced Monday, the 20nd of December. At this time, a remarkably small amount of tickets have been sold, increasing the win chances of any that choose to participate drastically. The Imperial Issue Armageddon was donated by WarHound of PAK, [...]
This article begins a series of stories about the alliances which make up the political landscape of EVE. With wars being fought and controversy surrounding their very existence, we could think of nowhere better to start than The Phoenix Alliance. The Phoenix Alliance was officially founded in the early part of the present year by Rona Corp, 20th Legion, KIA Corp, Blades, Oberon, Occassus Republica and The Wolf Brigade. They lay claim to the regions of Venal, Tenal and Branch, and call them home. The [...]
Freelance Unincorporated, a Minmatar freedom fighter corporation and member of the Ushra’Khan alliance, announced today that they will compile a list of capsule pilots actively engaged in slave trade for use of Ushra’Khan According to Maggot, Freelance Unincorporated pilot, they will offer individuals and corporations engaged in slave trading a chance to repent first, rather then naming and shaming slavers out in the open unlike previous lists, most noteworthy those released by Gradient. It remains to [...]
Bitter fighting erupted in the Fountain Alliance Sovereign space this Sunday between the forces of the FA and a coalition of corporations calling themselves BoB, which amongst others, includes Arcane Technologies, Reikoku and most notably, Evolution. As was reported earlier, Sunday saw the beginning of bitter fighting between the former allies, Evolution and the Fountain Alliance. This was an extremely unexpected move. The FA had allowed Evolution members free access to their resources and [...]
Yesterday night, forces belonging to the MASS corporation and The Collective attacked the station located in 3BK-O7 in what appears to be an action instigated by a rogue Collective pilot. Held by a Fountain Alliance corporation, Stain’s ally, the attack was not only unprovoked, but a surprise as well. The Fountain Alliance was quick to respond. Whilst their diplomats met each other, forces were dispatched in case the talks proved pointless. After a few tense hours, both parties withdrew, with no loss [...]
Galactic Trading and Logistics CEO Jashira Ne’Rgha announced today that the GTAL headquarters are being relocated to the Caldari system Otsasai, in the Lonetrek Region. Why Ms. Ne’Rgha opted to move the GTAL headquarters to a Caldari system is unknown. In a brief interview she made the following statement: “Galactic Trading and Logistics are moving to expand their horizons. Business has been slow the last few years, so we opted to move our headquarters to another region of space. We hope to acquire [...]
As Day 2 of the COLOSSUS Qualifiers draws to a close, the first two members of the Wiyrkomi Corporation's Final team are on the score card: Trooper B99 of the Zoners and Jeffrey Lebowski of Imperial Dreams. Spanning 34 jumps and ending up deep in the bowels of the Catch region, tonight's race saw the two winners go toe-to-toe for much of its duration, leaving most of the other contenders in the dust. At the qualifier’s halfway mark, as the route veered off into HED-GP, the racers were confronted with [...]
Tonight saw the opening of the first round of qualifiers for the COLOSSUS race. 18 brave contestants attempted to qualify for the Lai Dai Corporation, with pilots Morkt Drakt of Lai Dai and Feral of Drink Starsi™ finishing first and second, respectively, to take their spots in the final ten-man Lai Dai team. The race's route took contestants through the dangerous, lawless expanses of the Orpana constellation through to contested areas of the Venal region. Unsurprisingly, most of the pilots encountered [...]
Continuing its fine tradition of providing State citizens with only the best in sports and entertainment, the Caldari State proudly announces its forthcoming COLOSSUS race series. It’s months of brutal, no-holds-barred racing action as eight of the State’s biggest and most powerful corporations pit their representatives against each other -- no vessel restricted, no piece of equipment off limits, no tactics forbidden! Kaalakiota racer next to you getting on your nerves? Send some missiles his way! [...]
Several weeks ago a prison convoy carrying the UDI operative Goran Mitelek, believed to have been one of the persons responsible for the attack on the Elarel Rent-a-Dream Pleasure Dome last month (“The Elarel Massacre”), was attacked en-route to the Avair Theology Council Tribunal while passing through the Ebo system deep in Amarr space. Most of the convoy was destroyed, including the transport carrying Goran Mitelek, and the remaining debris contained only unidentifiable pieces of biomass - leading [...]
The Ionstar corporation, last week’s winners of the BIG Lottery’s Imperial Apocalypse, today announced their intention to release the “Impoc,” as it has become colloquially known, into the hands of the Amarr Navy. According to a source inside the corporation, Ionstar’s board of directors is “well aware that the Empire wants it back badly. As we are loyal citizens of the Empire and would not appreciate the attention a ship of this immense stature would garner, we thought it best that it be returned to [...]
In a surprising turn of events, the well-known BIG Corporation have announced that their bi-weekly lottery, long a staple in the EVE cluster, will be giving away an Imperial Apocalypse battleship as the main prize in the drawing of May 24th. The Imperial Apocalypse, long known to represent the pinnacle of Amarrian starship engineering, was reportedly donated to the corporation by Gallente holoreel actress Martina Monterneux. Says TornSoul, CEO of BIG: “Martina approached us some time back because she [...]
The new Ultra-Quafe advertisment campaign has sparked a lot of controversy in both Amarr and Caldari. Drink Starsi™ has been one of the most vocal Caldari corporations in denouncing their competitor's strategy, even going as far as calling for the complete removal of all Quafe advertising in Caldari-controlled space. Jera , the CEO of the Caldari soft drink corp, graciously granted me an interview despite her busy schedule. Q and A session with Jera Beringe : "Can you tell us a little about your [...]
One month ago, DED - the enforcement arm of CONCORD - activated a hidden spy module in the previously abandoned stations, to monitor their use for the good of the empires. One month ago, the surveillance systems began their collection of usage data - including any claims of ownership and conquest that might come to pass. Today this information was revealed to a stunned crowd of CONCORD officials and reporters. It would seem that not only had various corporations claimed the stations, but some of them [...]
_ CURSE: In the past few days, Minmatar in the Curse Alliance have been responding angrily to the accusations made by certain members of the Thukker Tribe and others. To delve further into this controversial issue, I called upon my good friend and associate Morkalum Takor to report on the matter from the inside of Curse. The following is the result of his work._ Recently, the media spotlight has been pointing towards the Curse Alliance that is occupying the Thukker Tribe Sovereignty within the Great [...]
There are always at least two sides to a conflict, and the one in Venal is no exception. Halseth Durn of Oberon-Inc came forth as the spokesperson of the newly formed alliance a few days ago, and I called upon him to provide me with his view of the events there. Oberon corp is known to many as the progressive Amarrian industrialists on whose agenda is the abolishment of slavery, in favour of high-tech equipment. They have been in the forefront of at least two alliances, the old Syndicate-Placid [...]