With the recent collapse of the Curse Alliance, many displaced corps have been trying to find their way in the galaxy. The latest, and surely the biggest, new group to arise from the ashes of the Curse Alliance is Imperium. Imperium is made up of a coalition of corporations that have been working together for the past few weeks inside the Syndicate and Outer Ring regions, including Vengeance of the Fallen, Rona-KIA, ClanKillers, Ascendance Industries, and Rome but to name a few.
This new Imperium is laying claim to both Syndicate and Outer Ring, though some of these areas are still in dipute with JQA and 3rd Front Alliance. They also declared enemies of the Xetic Federation and the Fountain Alliance, While counting their friends as Supremecy, Black Omega Security, and Black Re1gn.
Clearly Imperium is a powerful military force, with experienced fighters on their side. Whether they have the industrial backing to support them could be their one point of weakness, if any. Obviously this new group adds yet another factor in the ever changing complex political and military landscape of the galaxy.