The Drone Regions have undergone a dramatic reshaping as CONCORD begin issuing bounties upon the destruction of Rogue Drones. In line with this change, valuable extracted drone alloys are no longer available. Zazhas, an officer within Ethereal Dawn [ED], believes that these changes will bring about “more co-operation" between miners and combat pilots. When it comes to manufacturing, he feels that while transport of goods can be problematic in null-sec, these changes may require a few more imports. [...]
SOMER Blink, the EVE instant lottery corporation, has reached a record 150 Trillion ISK in distributed prizes, and is holding a monster giveaway celebration to mark the milestone. Prizes include an Erebus Titan or 100 Billion ISK, a Heretic BPO, a Titan BPO of the winner's choice, a supercarrier BPO of the winner's choice and more. In addition, they have also given away over 600 Billion ISK worth of prizes via free Promo blinks, with several days still left on the celebration. The SOMER blink site, [...]
Seyllin, Essence; The third annual Seyllin Conference has been announced. It will take place on the 26th and 27th of May this year, starting at 22:00 on both days. The conference will be held in the Planet 8, Moon 14 CreoDron station, and all capsuleers are welcome to attend. The conference will be spread over two days, the first day covering 'Phenomena and Discoveries', and the second will cover 'Fighting the Nation Threat'. The conference, originally the brainchild of Julian Soter and the leadership [...]
Jita, The Forge - Protests are taking place following the recent words spoken by The Mittani, the re-elected CSM Chair. He was recently quoted saying: "Incidentally if you want to make the guy kill himself his name is [Removed]... He has his own corp... find him." Speaking to the capsuleer, however, he finds these comments and the aggression "unprovoked". A number of capsuleers have called for the resignation of The Mittani. While he has many supporters, there seems to be those who feel that as a [...]
Amamake, Heimatar - A few nights ago, a mixed fleet of Faction Warfare capsuleers, mostly in dreadnaughts and battleships, ambushed and destroyed a Pandemic Legion titan in Amamake. The planning itself was done in secrecy – only the planners themselves, Tekitha and Lock Out of Shadows of the Federaion and First General of Wolfsbrigade, along with a few trusted aides were informed of the plan, with the hope that it would help keep details of the attack from Pandemic Legion’s spy network. Most of the [...]
With just hours left in the CSM elections, this may be the last chance for voters to learn a little about the candidates. Interstellar Correspondents asked candidates several questions in order to better understand who they are; where do they live? What do they do? What qualifications do they have? Some of the candidates are very serious while others take a lighter view of the universe we live in. Here are their stories: Issler Dainze Issler Dainze spends most of her life in lowsec and is "interested [...]
With the CSM elections coming soon, Interstellar Correspondents asked candidates several questions in order to better understand who they are; where they live? What they do? What qualifications they have? Some of the candidates are very serious while others take a lighter view of the universe we live in. Here are the first of their stories: Darius III Darius III spends most of his time in low and null-sec engaging in combat. When asked about what leadership role he has taken in New Eden, he responds [...]
The long running capsuleer organisation Red vs. Blue has over the past week seen unprecedented growth, increasing in membership by over a third. This news has been met with enthusiasm by the industrialists of their home region of Lonetrek, where demand for ships, modules and ammunition is at an all-time high. DED records for February show the organisation to be behind more ship losses within New Eden than any other, destroying 10,500 vessels that month alone. Red Vs. Blue is dedicated to maintaining a [...]
The voting period for the CSM election has now opened. Head here to place your vote now! Make sure your interests are represented on the council. If you're interested in following the various debates and campaigning going on, make sure you check out the Jita Park Speakers Corner.
YC 113.10.01 - YC 113.10.31 The situation this month was similar to September; whilst most sovereignty warfare occurred in the Catch region, Delve saw the highest level of ship losses. In Catch, further stations were lost by Against All Authorities (AAA) and their allies to the attackers, though AAA were able to re-secure multiple systems after losing them, namely N-8BZ6, YHN-3K and AOK-WQ. Fighting in Delve has reached new heights, with 20,678 capsuleer vessels destroyed there this month. This is the [...]
YC 113.11.01 - YC 113.11.30 Further fighting in Delve this month saw the Goonswarm Federation alliance capture several more stations, taking five from Brick Squad. Morsus Mihi and Brick Squad seem to be drawing their attempt to take hold of parts of Delve to a close, with their activity in the region being far lower than in previous months. Goonswarm scored 1,790 kills through the month, with Delve seeing 15,272 capsuleer vessel losses. Whilst lower than previous months, this level is high in [...]
YC 113.09.01 - YC 113.09.30 September saw continued pressure from White Noise, Red Alliance and their allies being put on Against All Authorities (AAA). AAA lost several stations, with a total of 16 stations falling to the attackers this month. Despite the amount of territory exchanging hands, the number of capsuleer ships being destroyed in the process was relatively low, totalling only 8,765 for the month compared to 19,420 in August. Delve however has regained the top spot that it had held for [...]
YC 113.08.01 - YC 113.08.31 August saw a large number of the alliances that make up the Drone Region Forces (DRF) coalition launch an assault on the Against All Authorities (AAA) alliance homeland of Catch. The key systems of HED-GP and GE-8JV have fallen to the DRF, with fighting causing a colossal 19,420 capsuleer vessels and structures to be destroyed by other capsuleers in Catch this month. This level of fighting is the highest seen in the Catch region since CONCORD records began in late YC109, [...]
YC 113.07.01 - YC 113.07.31 This month saw elements of the DRF, primarily NC., Pandemic Legion and Raiden launch an attack on the Goonswarm Federation home region, Deklein. The primary goal is believed to have been to acquire a grasp on as many technetium rich moons as possible due to their immense income potential. The initial launch of the campaign saw limited success; however the attackers were rapidly repelled. This conflict saw Deklein increase in terms of numbers of vessels destroyed from 4,529 [...]
YC 113.06.01 - YC 113.06.30 This month saw a colossal swing in the balance of power within the null security regions, with the group of alliances known as the "Northern Coalition" (NC) almost entirely losing their grasp over their holdings of several years. This sudden collapse has taken place after months of warring with the DRF (Drone Region Forces) coalition, resulting in the regions of Tribute, Branch and Tenal changing hands. The focal point of this collapse was Tribute, which as the home of the [...]
New Eden - A group of capsuleers, led by Krissada, are attempting to disrupt the “ISK farming” currently occurring at Sansha Incursion sites. They are planning to destroy Sansha motherships as soon as they arrive through their wormholes and in doing so hope to cut back the amount of ISK earned by capsuleers who attend the incursions simply to collect bounties on the lesser Sansha forces in the area. Krissada is apparently aggrieved that "bears" are able to "farm" for ISK in high-sec Incursions with [...]
Umokka, Lonetrek - The New Year's Eve celebrations arranged by Daggaroth and New Eden Radio proved to be a success. Local peaked at roughly 1800 people and it is estimated that 300 tuned into New Eden Radio to listen to the broadcast of the event. The raffle that had been planned brought in an excess of 4 billion ISK and large number of prizes were given away including PLEX and a Chimera. GalNet References Video of the celebration Prize winners Are you affected by the events in this article? Do you [...]
Vlillirier, Placid - On the 17th of December, Marlona Sky undocked in a Moros dreadnought named Intigo with the intention of having it blown up. Marlona, inspired by the event "Bring me the head of Kirith Kodachi", decided to throw an event with billions worth of prizes to be won by participants. The First Tier prizes, including a Vindicator battleship worth in excess of 1.1 billion ISK and a Proteus with five subsystems, were limited to capsuleers flying frigates or destroyers. When interviewed after [...]
Umokka, Lonetrek - At precisely 23:59 Eve Time on December 31, the annual New Year's Fireworks show hosted by Daggaroth, will begin in Umokka, outside the Caldari Navy Testing Facilities at Planet X, Moon 4. This is the third year of the event's existence. Last year's event clocked in at around 500 people attending, with a further 116 following the New Eden Radio live stream. New Eden Radio will once again be streaming the event. There will be a raffle event where winners could receive a Chimera or [...]
9UY4-H, Providence. A few weeks ago an eight-man corporation known as Trzciciele Kawy planted Sovereignty Blockade Units (SBUs) at all the stargates in the system of 9UY4-H in Providence. The system is currently the home of Chribba, one of New Eden's most beloved capsuleers. Chribba has pledged to keep the station - known as Chribba's Cottage - open to the general public for as long as he holds sovereignity there, making it rare among capsuleer-owned stations. Following the SBU placement, a general [...]
New Eden - In a startling change of pace, EVE University [E-UNI] has announced a temporary suspension of their Wartime Standard Operating Procedure [SOP]. This policy, which forbids ratting, mining and hauling while under wardec, has served to protect many new pilots from losing ships and modules they really couldn't afford to lose. According to Irdalth Delrar, "the reasons for the SOP have faded into legend" and many new pilots suffer under the restrictions, so therefore came the decision to [...]
Pator, Heimatar – On Wednesday, Citizen Astur appeared in the Pator system and exchanged words with capsuleer Drake Arson, a long-time Sansha supporter, and asked “are you ready to join with us?” Citizen Astur quickly formed a wormhole which took Drake Arson to Nation's home region in Stain. A capsuleer task force quickly assembled and responding managed to destroy Citizen Astur’s Revenant, after which Citizen Arson re-emerged from the wormhole piloting a Hel Supercarrier and re-engaged the capsuleer [...]
EC-P8R, Pure Blind – On 03.09.113, the Fuzzy Logec alliance lost a convoy of freighters full of capital ship construction equipment to a permutation of an old scam by Goonswarm Federation. Weeks ago Fuzzy Logec CEO Nekumi negotiated with Akara Ito of the Goonswarm Federation and believed that she had "bought 3JN9-Q, O-2RNZ and AGG-NR” for 30bn ISK and an agreement to supply Goonswarm with a number of capital ships per month. Goonswarm had even offered Nekumi an escort fleet to keep Fuzzy Logec's [...]
Jita, The Forge - On 12.8.113 the investment corporation, Phaser Inc. [-PINC] shut down their business, closed all 3360 active accounts and took an alleged 1 Trillion ISK profit. -PINC, run by Eddie Lampert and Mordor Exuel, started business 8 months ago. Investors got promised a minimum interest of 5% per week which was either paid out or reinvested, a continuous reinvestment was meant to lead to a 1437% profit in one year. Initial skeptical opinions turned out to be right as Mordor Exuel has now [...]
Jita, The Forge - The Vangel Tournament at EOH Poker concluded on 07.08.113 with winner Maurospanthiras receiving an Amarrian Vangel cruiser valued at approximately 30 Billion ISK. The Vangel is a limited edition cruiser produced exclusively as a prize for Alliance Tournament IX. While such rarities are seldom fielded in combat, the Vangel is described by one combat pilot, Shiroi Okami, as combining "the strengths of a Sacrilege and a Curse with the weaknesses of neither." Runner-up Askgar Elzoop [...]
Rasile – A week ago, another Sansha wormhole appeared in the Rasile system where capsuleers battled and defeated a Sansha Revenant piloted by Slave Tedra01, a name also recognised as an Interstellar Correspondent reporter. In the week prior, ISD Tedra Kerrigan gained access to a private facility in the Stain region. There, she was allowed an exclusive one-on-one interview with Sansha Kuvakei to discuss the increased Sansha activity within New Eden. There is now evidence suggesting that before her [...]
Molden Heath – Teonusude Republic Independent Agency Division [T.R.I.A.D] has announced that a capsuleer has reached the highest agency standing available. Axl Borlara has been crowned the first capsuleer in the agency's history to achieve the highest standing possible of 10.00, an achievement which T.R.I.A.D founder DeT Resprox, was very pleased to announce: “To reach 10.00 is an incredible achievement in itself and shows Axl Borlara's dedication to the cause. Axl is now the proud owner of the first [...]
New Caldari, The Forge – Sansha’s Nation forces have been assaulting trade routes throughout New Eden, disrupting both market hubs hubs and popular shipping routes. Over the past two weeks, Sansha’s Nation forces have attacked multiple solar systems including Kador Prime, New Caldari and Altrinur. It is their newfound interest in trade routes, however, that is causing concern among capsuleers. Capsuleer Ace Echo, who was present during the New Caldari attack, said “This recent rash of attacks seems to [...]
Aurohunen - The Alliance Tournament IX commissioned prize ship, the Vangel, has drawn first blood in solo combat. Shiroi Okami, a renowned pilot, thrill seeker and proud owner of this Vangel, says that since entering AT9 he "promised [himself he] would use it in solo PVP." As thrilling as it is to hunt other pilots, doing so in a "35 billion ISK ship just makes the heart race that much faster." Shiroi admits however, that "I actually got a little cocky with it, the Myrmidon I fought put up an [...]
New Eden – A new agency has been opened that allows the search of corporation roster lists and capsuleer information. Kronus Heilgar, founder of EVE Central Intelligence, explained that his website collects capsuleer information: “I type in a corporation name and it lists all of the members in that corporation. It is the end of the era of undercover alts sneaking into enemy corps.” Kronus revealed that his inspiration came from "hearing stories" of pilots camping out in an enemy's home system, [...]
9IZ-HU, PERRIGEN FALLS - Last Friday, BigMaman, long-time member and director of the Solar Dragons corporation, claims to have relieved her corporation of about 900 billion ISK in assets. After more than five years of loyalty, internal quarrels within the leadership were the deciding factors for her to betray her corporation. Having had access to all corporation funds and assets, capsuleer BigMaman was able to deal substantial albeit temporary damage to the Solar Dragons. In a message to the [...]
Sansha incursions in Kador Prime have become more frequent and violent as of late. Last week capsuleers defeated Citizen Astur and forced the retreat of Slave Ation09. On Thursday Slave 32152 arrived in Kador Prime in her Revenant class supercarrier and faced down a capsuleer fleet of over 100 pilots. The capsuleer tried and tested strategy of using ECM against the Sansha wormholes was successful in closing only one of the conduits as the portals fell "below transit parameters." They soon resorted to [...]
Altrinur, Metropolis - A little over a week ago, Sansha's Nation forces, under the direction of Slave Ation09, besieged the solar system of Altrinur in what appears to be a resurgence in incursion activity as of late. Initial reports indicated that capsuleers were rallying to halt the Sansha's Nation invasion. The battle was a success as another Sansha's supercarrier was downed. HardinSalvor, a fleet commander during the battle, described his fleet composition, "fleet composition was at about 110 [...]
Jita, The Forge – Capsuleers involved in trade have been offered a dedicated sub-system channel to discuss all matters related to New Eden’s markets. The channel, named "SCC-Lounge", was created by Caleb Ayrania. He revealed what goes on inside the channel: “A lot of rather serious talks about New Eden’s market often go on, and we do try to offer a lot of help to upcoming merchants when they decide to try their legs in ‘the seas of maritime’ trading.” Caleb also told of his future plans for the [...]
The recent Sansha Incursions around New Eden have been met by overwhelming capsuleer fleets. The corollary to such large fleet engagements is the occasional loss of ships, this has given rise to 3rd party looting and salvage operations. One of these pilots, who prefers to remain anonymous, was observed during the battle of Altrinur. When speaking to him, he was very confident that given proper piloting skills, “correctly manoeuvring [through a large fleet battle] is not dangerous at all". He went on [...]
Hebisa, Metropolis - The mysterious wormhole in Hebisa has been closed by a Sansha's Nation Chimera. After several hours of battering away at the wormhole with ECM and drones, capsuleers were taken by complete surprise when a small fleet of frigates belonging to Sansha's Nation emerged. Reacting to the sudden threat, they fought back the first wave which was left stranded as the mysterious wormhole closed behind them. Moments later, two more wormholes spawned on the spot, releasing first a lone [...]
X-CFN6, Tribute - It appears that Morsus Mihi [RAWR] is currently undergoing drastic internal restructuring, with long-term alliance leader, Vuk Lau, facing calls for new leadership for the alliance's "lack of direction." Morsus Mihi, once a cornerstone alliance of the Northern Coalition, saw its territory much reduced and the coalition effectively eradicated by a sustained assault from the so-named "Drone Region Forces" earlier this year. Previous statements from Morsus Mihi's leadership have [...]
BREAKING NEWS – Sansha Nation vessels under the command of Slave Ation09 are currently attempting to invade the system of Altrinur. At approximately 19:15 New Eden time, Slave Ation09, piloting a Revenant Nation super carrier, invaded the solar system with a fleet of supporting Sansha Nation battleships and cruisers. At 20:00 in New Eden, a fleet of over 40 capsuleers warped to the hostile vessels and engaged the Sansha forces. More than 100 capsuleers and rising from across New Eden are forming up in [...]
Brapelille, Sinq Laison – Forty capsuleers that entered a fiction writing competition hosted by Max Torps have since had their stories published for all of New Eden to read. The competition asked capsuleers to look at a provided image from New Eden and write a short story on how they interpreted the picture. Max Torps explained why he organised the competition: “I'd seen some competitions before but felt that they focused more on capsuleer thoughts, opinions and feelings. I wanted to see another [...]
Amamake, Heimatar - A monthly event has been created that sees capsuleers fight each other for fun in frigates. The event, which is also known as "Frigfry Fridays", will be held on the first friday of each month in the Amamake system. Jude Lloyd, event organiser, explains why he has picked frigates to be the chosen vessel: "I see an under-appreciation for frigates, I love frigate warfare and I knew it was simple enough that people might actually participate." Jude confessed to being pleased after the [...]
YFN-UN, Syndicate – The winner of season II of the Sami Sabik Modelling Contest has been announced as Nausea, member of Veto Corp. On being victor, Nausea said: “It still takes a little getting used to, that I managed to take the crown in the end, but it feels amazing and strangely satisfying.” Fame has come with a price as Nausea conceded that there have already been a few capsuleers eyeing up her title "with a hungry gleam”. Revan Neferis, organiser of the series, expressed her feelings at how [...]
Aldrat, Metropolis - EVE University celebrates reaching 2000 members. Zeroniss, Media Manager for EVE University, was very pleased that such a high number of members had been recruited, but emphasised that it was business as usual: "Realistically it's quite a big thing, but no more daunting than say, last week when we had 1900 members." Zeroniss believes EVE University to be "one of the few corporations in New Eden that while exploring a wide variety of content, is still very friendly and welcoming [...]
YFN-UN, Syndicate - Revan Neferis has opened the second iteration of her New Eden-wide modelling contest. The competition invites capsuleers from all backgrounds to compete against each other for fame and the chance to win 3 billion ISK's worth of prizes. The competition is a Sani Sabik event, described by its sponsor as "a praise to beauty of the Universe and the best genetic expressions of mankind." Ms. Neferis compared this new season of the contest to the last, saying “This season will be much [...]
Aldrat, Metropolis - Seamus Donohue, professor at EVE University, has produced a 46-part video guide to a pod pilot's life in New Eden. Eve University has long-held a reputation for providing capsuleers with an excellent post-licencing education. The instition hosts lectures by both staff and guests alongside practical classes; while they have produced texts and video lessons in the past, this is the most extensive series of holos so far. Professor Donohue said "The first round of filming was only a [...]
HYDRA RELOADED has won Alliance Tournament IX. An early loss to DarkSide. knocked Pandemic Legion out of the tournament in only the second match of the day. This loss opened the door to the championship and Outbreak. worked their way through to the Final where they faced HYDRA RELOADED who had effortlessly worked their way through as well. The resultant fight was aggressive and brutal with Outbreak. taking an early lead. HYDRA caught up though as Outbreak. was concentrating on the HYDRA logistics [...]
Group Stages for the Ninth Alliance Tournament are complete and the first rounds of the Finals are set for tomorrow. No flagships were fielded today, but several large ISK offers to throw matches kept things interesting. With some group leaders already in such dominant positions, several matches had no effect on position in the finals. This also applied to lower ranking participants who saw no need to put in much effort as they were already out of the finals based on points; the last match of the day [...]
The second round of Group stages completed this past weekend. One more round of Stages and the Finals are scheduled for this coming weekend. Minmatar ships dominate this tournament with 517 of varied classes being fielded so far. Caldari ships are a distant second with 318 being fielded, but 105 of those alone were Tengus. The Cyclone (90), Sabre (88), Scimitar (85) and Sleipnir (83) still fill out the Top 5 slots along with the 105 Tengus. Two Flagships were fielded, with one lost and one surviving a [...]
Halaima, The Citadel - After Lottopalooza's establishment over one year, the lottery has given out prizes worth over 1 trillion ISK. To mark the occasion, the 7th lottery saw the top prize of a Nightmare battleship awarded to the winner. Kain Rehel, organiser of the non-profit Lottopalooza 7, explained how the lottery first began: "Well back then the only lotteries around for capsuleers were from Darkness and Chribba types and I figured, 'hey i can do that'." JoelCoen, a regular ticket holder for the [...]
Alliance Tournament IX returns to our screens again today in glorious high definition! Tune in to the live stream at 14:50 UTC to make sure you witness all the thrills and spills from today's live matches. If you are unable to watch the stream for any reason, our Interstellar Correspondents will be keeping you up to date with statistics and match reports on their AT IX site. We have great prizes to give out today in our Predict a Winner competition. Please refer to this news article for full details.