Dakba - The Amarrian Ministry of Internal Order has launched an investigation into the genealogical records of approximately 250,000 slaves belonging to Lord Adash Korta, Holder of the Dabka system. Korta is one of the largest slaveholders in the Amarr Empire. His estates have already freed 300,000 slaves following Empress Jamyl I's edict this past Thursday. Despite these numbers, Imperial officials noted discrepancies in the genealogical histories submitted for the remaining half-million slaves owned [...]
Rens, Heimatar - At a joint security conference today between officers of the Republic Fleet and caravan masters of the Thukker Tribe, it was announced that some of the newly-established trade routes between the Great Wildlands and Republic space are under increasing threat from pirate activity. Concern has been heightened by intelligence that suggests these pirates are mainly 'breakaway' elements of the Angel Cartel. 'It is clear that pirates and criminals in general wish to take advantage of the [...]
Following Empress Jamyl I's announcement that all slaves in the Amarr Empire who can trace their lineage back at least 9 generations will be freed from servitude, Interbus has announced that it will provide free passage to anywhere in the cluster to any recently freed slave for the entire month of January. "We understand that many of these freed slaves will lack the means to leave the Empire," said Interbus CEO Haukkakka Pukara. "Some of them will undoubtedly want to go elsewhere. But without money, [...]
M-MD3B, Great Wildlands - Thukker Tribe authorities confirmed today that there has been a sharp rise in passenger traffic between the Republic regions and the Great Wildlands, along with increasing goods trading, since the open borders agreement was announced. While this traffic is two-way, visits from the Republic to Thukker space are cited as the reason for much of the travel. 'I have relatives in the havens protected by the Thukker,' said Rolf Urgalld, while queueing to take his place on a [...]
DAM-TORSAD - Empress Jamyl I this afternoon made a special nationwide address to the people of the Empire wherein it was announced that, in a historic turning point for Amarr, a significant portion of the Empire's slaves are being "emancipated from their obligations to our nation and our Lord." "Out there on the event horizon, a new age races toward us," said the Empress in her announcement, "and it is approaching fast. The Lord in his infinite grace has instructed me that the chains that fetter us [...]
Renyn, Essence - In a press conference at the headquarters of the Federal Intelligence Office today, a senior spokesman announced the conclusion of several months of investigation into shipping giant Federal Freight. The inquiries, conducted by the Special Department of Internal Investigations, were aimed at establishing direct involvement in the loss of sensitive data by Federal Freight employees, in addition to ascertaining any possible connections to Caldari intelligence organizations. Much to the [...]
Amarr Prime - The Imperial Palace hosted a meeting today between high-level officials from both the Imperial Chancellery and the Tash-Murkon family, at which a member of Catiz Tash-Murkon's immediate family was rumored to be present. The meeting was the first in a series currently scheduled to continue through the end of the week. According to household officials, the meeting was requested with less than 48 hours notice, which, according to protocol expert Odreluk Olnabim, would normally be a [...]
The Imperial Throne this morning released a statement which claims Dochuta Karsoth, former Chamberlain of the Amarr Empire, has been apprehended. According to the release, Karsoth, who defected from the Empire during the Elder invasion earlier this year, had been sheltered by Blood Raider allies in the time since. He was captured by elite Khanid squadrons during the aftermath of one of the Khanid's attacks on Blood Raider holdings last Sunday. The building where the former chamberlain was being [...]
Royal Khanid Navy Grand Admiral Zidares Khanid this morning released a statement claiming that Khanid Kingdom forces yesterday attacked thirty-three separate Blood Raider Covenant targets - ranging from unmanned installations to fully-defended outposts - in what the release terms "an effort to strike a blow against the spreading blight of willful heresy." The Admiral's statement went on to detail the statistics of yesterday's conflicts, some of which are reportedly still raging. Among the largest were [...]
Rens, Heimatar - In the month since the historic open borders agreement between the Minmatar Republic and the Thukker Tribe, the volume of trade between the two has increased substantially and continues to rise. Established trade routes between the Republic regions and Thukker holdings in the Great Wildlands have seen a ten-fold increase in activity, while entirely new routes have been forged between the regions by enterprising merchants. 'Trade opportunities have multiplied almost daily since the [...]
Reports are coming in that today has seen a major coordinated strike by the Khanid Kingdom against Blood Raider holdings in several separate locations around New Eden. Damage reports are difficult to come by at this point, but at least three deep-space outposts and several dozen planetside installations have been confirmed as infiltrated or destroyed by Khanid forces in the last six hours. Believed to be the largest single offensive ever mounted by an independent nation against a criminal [...]
Ebolfer - General Gar Orga announced today that the Tribal Liberation Force (TLF) would be entering a team of its most dedicated pilots into the forthcoming 6th Alliance Tournament. General Orga outlined the arrangements, making clear that the organization of the team would rest primarily on the shoulders of the top fighters within the TLF. "After consultation with the Tribal Chiefs and authorization from our Commander-in-Chief, the noble Sanmatar Shakor, the Supreme Command of the Tribal Liberation [...]
Black Rise - With the Alliance Tournament fast approaching, the leadership of the Caldari State Protectorate announced today that it would be sponsoring a group of militia pilots to take part in the competition. CEO Mumara Kara detailed a comprehensive plan to reward those pilots deemed most influential to the "goals and objectives" of the militia. "Pilots who provide the greatest tangible military and strategic benefit to the Protectorate's operations will be rewarded with the honor and [...]
-+- FROM THE DESK OF ADMIRAL NALMID LEBON -+- Greetings to the honorable pilots of the 24th Imperial Crusade: The honored Heir, his eminence Lord Merimeth Sarum, has expressed a personal interest in seeing a team of loyal Amarrian soldiers represent the might of the Empire in the upcoming 6th Alliance Tournament. To that end, he has committed a small portion of his fortunes to the 24th Imperial Crusade in order to pay the entree fee into the tournament. Lord Sarum has left the selection of the team up [...]
Luminaire - As the six-month mark passes since the invasion of Caldari Prime, a new report from CONCORD claims the increasing sophistication of the pro-Federation resistance on the planet is evidence of off-world support for the rebels. The report comes on the heels of a number of attacks on high-profile targets on the planet, including the sabotage three days ago of a Tovil water treatment plant. CONCORD has been using its assets in Luminaire to maintain a watch over the occupied planet in the hope [...]
Kihtaled - A Caldari trade mission consisting of executives and diplomats from all eight major megacorporations arrived in the Khanid Kingdom today. To the surprise of many here, the trade mission was led by Haatakan Oiritsuu, dethroned former CEO of the Kaalakiota Corporation, who has been in seclusion since the end of May. The Caldari delegation is tasked with negotiating a number of new trade deals with the Khanid Kingdom, including supply contracts for the Navy and Khanid Innovations. However, [...]
Derelik - The first stages of the Ardishapur family's assumption of power over the Ammatar Mandate have begun. The Mandate, which has suffered under a lack of leadership in the six months since the Elder fleet's invasion, will likely see more turmoil before things finally settle down. Ardishapur has begun a series of changes in the Mandate's power structure intended to reshape the region so that it operates more like one of the Empire's core domains. The first stage has already begun, with Ardishapur [...]
The Imperial Throne yesterday afternoon issued a decree proclaiming that Aritcio Kor-Azor, royal heir of the Kor-Azor family, is to be awarded the post of Imperial Chancellor. The post, one of the most coveted and influential positions within the Empire, has, according to the decree, traditionally been awarded "only to those servants of Amarr who have distinguished themselves as faithful to our holy empire and its interests above all other things." As Chancellor, Lord Kor-Azor will sit at the head of [...]
Jita - With close to six months since Tibus Heth and the Caldari Provincial Directorate consolidated power in the State, many investors have begun voicing skepticism about the long-term future of the Caldari economy. The latest news to underline their concerns was yesterday's announcement by the CBD corporation that it would be posting a loss for the third straight quarter -- news which sent their stocks tumbling late in the day. "The question remains: are the fundamentals of the Caldari economy [...]
Luminaire - In the days following Kador's aborted invasion of Solitude, Federation citizens have rallied behind their government and Navy, celebrating among other things a well-executed operation into Kador Region. The Federation has seemed subdued in the recent past, following the embarrassment of the invasion of Caldari Prime, but all this appears to have changed with the devastating performance of their Navy in what is being referred to as "The Kador Issue." "I feel like I can finally look my [...]