Yesterday a large group of pilots were rallied by CONCORD to help in the capture of the terrorist Mercurion Red. The chase centered on the border between the regions Verge Vendor and Genesis, close to Yulai. Mercurion Red, a known Guristas terrorist was finally caught after two hours of intense chasing, in the Yulai system. The pilots Wuagwan, Hardcore Pawn and ragnaR lodbroK were amongst the people who brought her covert operations frigate down. Unfortunately another pilot who was unaware that [...]
Last night in the systems of Nonni and Jita, a large scale contraband purchase happened for the second time in less than a week. During a one hour window, when CONCORD and the local police patrols were at a minimum, two freelance traders, Kerio Ekoena and Leiara Xjenion announced their presence and began a frenzied collection of the illegal goods they required. In this case it was drugs and DNA samples. Jashira Ne´rgha, the representative for Galactic Trading and Logistics was also present. This [...]
While Eman Autrech and Mentas Blaque launched their election campaigns with only the minimal of hitches, current president Souro Foiritan was left sitting in the dust looking like a fool. Foiritan has never been known to be the most prepared or meticulous of men, but even his blasé reputation can’t save him some blushes now. While the thoroughly trained delegates of Autrech and Blaque are busy stoking the campaign fires of their respective masters, Foiritan’s supporters have nothing but pitiful embers [...]
After a series of meetings over the last week, CONCORD's Inner Circle this morning passed new legislation prohibiting empire corporation agents from passing on Tech II construction components to capsule pilots engaged in freelance work for them. The primary reason for the legislation, according to Inner Circle Head Irhes Angireh, is "the need for the empires to divert their resources towards their own ends. Both CONCORD and the four empires have paid tremendous amounts of money and resources to the [...]
Late last night, a freelance trader named Kerio Ekoena was spotted in the Nonni system, buying slaves, drugs, firearms and a whole host of other illegal goods, showing that the rumour mill can occasionally hold the unvarnished truth. Working for a third party corporation, he is suspected to have spent millions obtaining the contraband items they require. Who he is fronting for is still the object of wide speculation. Astonishingly though, it is believed that a trader by the name of Jashira Ne´rgha of [...]
Last night a riot is rumoured to have occurred in a slave holding facility somewhere within the Taru system. It’s believed the facility where the alleged riot occured is owned by Korramasha Mawhi, a small time slave trader with no record of illegal activities. Solid evidence has been hard to come by, but four ships in Korramasha’s possession, including two Zealots and two Sacrileges were seen being piloted by four Matari personel heading towards Minmatar space. These ships were intercepted and [...]
Stargate technicians are working overtime tonight in Orvolle, after the automated sentry guns failed to stop an attack on a Viator class transport ship. In addition to their failure to engage, logging systems also did not catch the identities of the 6 ships which attacked and destroyed the Viator, although eyewitnesses say that the party consisted of a Helios, a Raven, a Stabber, a Vigil, another unidentified ship and most oddly, an Iteron class V industrial cargo vessel. The failure of these 2 [...]
Earlier this week, word started to trickle through the criminal underground in the Lonetrek region, that an as yet unnamed Gallente corporation is making preparations to buy large amounts of contraband goods for what is rumoured to be a drastic new research project. Many of the universes worst drugs, as well as slaves are thought to be on the list of desired contraband. When and were the items will be purchased, and for how much is something that the rumours have as yet failed to deliver. Concord has [...]
Recent news reports have been flooding in from various anonymous sources of attacks at the fringes of Caldari space. For the past few months these mysterious attacks have been on the rise and they do not appear to be letting up. Each of the attacks appears to contain a small tightly nit fleet of eight or so Caldari ships, enlisted in an oddly named corporation. Every attempt at communication with any of these vessels is met with garbled and seemingly random noise. Early attempts at decrypting the [...]
Earlier today Caldari Navy did a raid in Dantumi, leading the capture of the terrorist named Black Scarab. Miss Yaila Heeth, aka Black Scarab, had for several years been working disguised as a Caldari Navy courier, using her clearance to gain access to information and designs to be used against the Caldari Empire in acts of terrorism. She has earlier been under suspicions for espionage and a tip from an unknown source led to her capture while setting charges that would have disrupted gate travel out [...]
Late last night, one of the leading authorities in regenerative genetics, Professor Mkauna Nkumi, was found dead in his research facilities in Ferira system. Concord police say that they currently have no leads as to the motive of the attack. However, the sheer brutality and utter rage this murder appears to have been conducted in, is allowing criminal psychologists to narrow down the search considerably. Logs also indicate that the professors clone, which was kept in a special facility adjacent to [...]
Perkone Corporation, one of the few remaining Caldari corporations founded during the Industrial Age on Caldari Prime, announced today a dramatic increase in their sales of munitions and arms over the past few months, reversing all of their past trends of surplus materials and unsold stock. Since the war with the Federation, Perkone has struggled, barely managing to produce their lines of "solid, high quality equipment." Could today’s revelation breathe new life into this corporation, until now just a [...]
In a statement earlier this morning, Concord announced that they have called off the official search for Hol Hignotta, the pilot responsible for the unprovoked and fatal attack on an Opus Luxury Yacht in the Yulai system. The active search period of three weeks has passed and as they have found absolutely no leads hinting at his whereabouts, the search has been called off. Even mercenaries have been unable to track down the elusive terrorist. The lack of clues pointing to his location is breeding an [...]
After intense pressure from pod pilots interested in the rewards for the winner of the latest Takamatsu competition, the veil of secrecy surround the reward was finally lifted in a short but intriguing public statement. Juzo Nidashi, a senior aid to the secretive Takamatsu trading Exchange CEO released a statement on his behalf on Galnet earlier, revealing the nature of the prize in the following release: “In order to pay homage to those who strive to make their fortune in the face of great adversity, [...]
Special Counsel Tar Maurisi, head of the CEP Business Bureau's investigation into the Ullia Hnolku disappearance, at a press conference this morning revealed some of the latest discoveries made by the investigative committee. Chief among these was information brought to light by a report which had found its way from an anonymous source in Zainou's main labs. The report, four pages long, begins by detailing progress on a few projects under development at the laboratories, after which it delves into the [...]
The three candidates for the Federation presidency are set to find their ideal emissaries to run their all-important election campaign. Each candidate has formulated his own way of finding those pilot corporations most suitable and to their liking. The corporations that work most diligently will have the honor of nominating one of their own to become an emissary for their chosen candidate. As even further incentive they will also become proud owners of a Navy issue Dominix battleship. Delegates for [...]
Reports have been filtering in that the known terrorist organisation "United against Decadence and Impurity" (UDI), has obtained some highly sensitive documents, which if true, means that the Ushra’Kahn alliance has suffered a major security leak. The documents are rumoured to contain not only the identities of a large portion of the members of the Ushra’Kahn, but their most commonly used ships, the setups and what stations their agents inhabit. It goes on to name all of the corporations in the [...]
Concord was shamed last night when it emerged that one of their up and coming officers was illegally supplying the Guristas pirates with highly classified information. The officer, Juul Anttus met his downfall, ironically when one of the people he betrayed decided to do some private detective work. Hyota Vasy, a sub-nanite communication engineer first became a target for the Guristas when, during one of his many research experiments in deep space he stumbled upon a top secret communiqué, detailing the [...]
Minmatar Republic officials this morning lodged a formal complaint with CONCORD, stating that according to security footage and docking transcripts, two Caldari Navy vessels had illegally docked at a Republic Fleet station in Matari-controlled space last night, reportedly in search of missing Caldari pharmacologist Ullia Hnolku. According to article 37a of the Yulai Convention, vessels of national navies are explicitly forbidden from docking at other national navies’ stations if those stations are [...]
An investigation into the disappearance of noted pharmacologist Ullia Hnolku, who along with his wife disappeared from Zainou Biotech’s HQ in Isseras last month, has uncovered facts believed to pose a great threat to the biotech giant. According to sources within the CEP Business Bureau, under whose authority the investigation was conducted, the pair are in possession of an experimental compound only recently developed in Zainou’s main laboratories. The compound, Insorzapine bisulfate, was previously [...]
The Takamatsu Trading Exchange which has had more than its fair share of negative publicity in recent months, has decided to fling open the creative gates and is holding a competition for all of the budding filmmakers in EVE to create their next promotional reel. Aspiring commercial artists have been given a free reign on how they execute the video, but Takamatsu spokespeople said the entry should be "short, exciting and go with the theme; ‘You can always trust a Takamatsu". Advertising officials, [...]
According to a bi-monthly report submitted by the DED’s Observation and Analysis Subcommittee yesterday, the numbers of illegal deadspace outposts harboring dangerous elements are steadily increasing on the fringes of CONCORD-policed space. The Guristas and Sansha’s Nation are among the criminal organizations known to be building new outposts in various locations along the divide of the outer rim frontier. Centus Sansha, the Nation’s wing of deadspace operatives, have according to the report built the [...]