New Eden News

The latest news from around the cluster as told by the special reporters of the news organizations of New Eden.

BREAKING: Drifter Attacks on Research Facilities Across New Eden Reported by Capsuleers

    ORVOLLE - Reports of Drifters attacking research facilities in the territories of the "Big Four" CONCORD powers have been reported by capsuleers. The Scope has independently verified that multiple Drifter strikes have taken place and the situation is ongoing. The apparently widespread Drifter assaults come against a background of the new "Alpha" cloning technology having been rolled out to general availability, as per the terms of the Yulai Convention's technology sharing provisions and agreements on [...]

    SOE Splinter Group Warns of Shift in Drifter Activity; Thukker Tribe Confirms Anomalous Behavior

      M-MD3B - Drifter activity is undergoing a shift in patterns seen in so-called "W-space", according to the Sisters of EVE splinter group calling itself "Pharos of Thera". Sources in the Thukker Tribe have confirmed that anomalous behavior has been observed in known centers of Drifter activity in W-space, the wormhole connected regions also known as "Anoikis". Former Sanctuary School scientist Taya Akira, the figurehead of the Pharos group, has told the Scope that her sources have "seen a subtle but [...]

      Federal Senate Hears Testimony on New Cloning Tech from Intelligence Director Blaque

        Villore - Director Mentas Blaque of the FIO testified before the Gallente Federation Senate's Security and Intelligence Committee on the subject of the new "Alpha" cloning technology, this morning. Director Blaque serves as the head of the Federal Intelligence Office, as well as personally overseeing the controversial Special Department of Internal Investigations and Federal Security - more commonly known as the "Black Eagles". Director Blaque testified that, "The new cloning technology we have [...]

        CONCORD Joint Command Announces Success of Capsuleer Assault on Blood Raiders as Threat Level is Lowered

          YULAI - The joint command of CONCORD and core empires fighting against the recent Blood Raider Covenant attacks on cloning facilities has announced that its major offensive against the Blood Raiders has been a complete success, in large part due to the efforts of independent capsuleers. Captain Marshal Sirdan xer Qosh, Imperial Delegate to the CONCORD Inner Circle and Commander of Anti-Covenant Joint Operations, declared his "total satisfaction that the threat from the Blood Raider cultists has been [...]