New Eden News

The latest news from around the cluster as told by the special reporters of the news organizations of New Eden.

Ashes Figurehead Calls for Violence in Response to Unsubstantiated Conspiracy

  • YC126-06-26

    Ashes Figurehead Calls for Violence in Response to Unsubstantiated Conspiracy A holoreel has surfaced in which philosopher, poet, and radical extremist Kamí Día accuses the four major nations of partnering with capsuleers to secure dangerous Triglavian research. In this holoreel, the ideological figurehead of the Ashes of Turnur calls on those who follow her teachings to seek out and destroy facilities researching either the Triglavians or the Abyss. The holoreel was delivered to the Scope [...]

    Auviken Cynosural Jammer 'Blip' Prompts Investigation

      Above: Upwell’s Applied Gravitation Research Center and Prototype Skyhook at Auviken VI Auviken Cynosural Jammer 'Blip' Prompts Investigation Auviken, Nagaslaiken – Last evening, an apparent lapse in Auviken’s local cynosural jammer network lasting approximately 2.193 seconds prompted a brief high alert in anticipation of a potential intrusion into the system. However, once local monitoring stations confirmed a total of zero cynosural field activations or jump drive entries during or following the [...]

      Upwell Victorious in Federation While Restrictions Apply in Caldari State

      • YC126-06-12

        The Gallente Senate and Caldari Chief Executive Panel have both approved Upwell workforce transfers shortly after the first Upwell clone bodies became available. Labor-Populists Besmirched as Upwell Transfer Bill Sails Through Senate Villore, Essence - The Gallente Federation Senate has passed a bill allowing Upwell workforce transfers within the Federation. The bill was passed by an overwhelming majority thanks to support from both Progressive Union and Federalist Liberals. President Aguard, a vocal [...]

        Empress Breaks Silence on Upwell

        • YC126-06-07

          Empress Breaks Silence on Upwell Domain, Amarr - Empress Catiz I has given a public address on Upwell workforce clone transfers. Over the last month both those for and against the transfers have called for the Empress to speak on the issue. The Empress broke her silence in a cluster-wide broadcast made from the Imperial Palace on Amarr Prime. In an uncharacteristic move, the Empress focused on scripture, beginning with “'As Emperor rules Holder; as Holder rules Serf; Yet all under Heaven serve Me,' [...]

          Tribal Council Approves Upwell Workforce Transfers

          • YC126-06-05

            Tribal Council Approves Upwell Workforce Transfers Heimatar, Pator - The Tribal Council has ruled that Upwell workforce transfers will be permitted within the Minmatar Republic. The transfers will enable individuals to transfer their consciousness to new Upwell workforce clone bodies. The ruling followed an extended Tribal Council assembly for which the seven Tribal Chiefs were sequestered for weeks. Sanmatar Maleatu Shakor delivered the ruling to a public assembly in the Great Caravanserai on Matar, [...]