Yulai, Genesis – Secure Commerce Commission facilities across New Eden have been breached by the Guristas, leading to followup raids on SCC Encounter Surveillance System reserve banks by the infamous pirate group. Chaotic scenes are reported at SCC facilities with security wide open as secure data and even ISK accounts have been exposed to attack by hackers and criminal gangs. CONCORD's Inner Circle has demanded an investigation into these events just as an agreed reduction in funding for the New Eden [...]
The Scope's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx brings your roundup of the latest news from around the cluster as CONCORD's Inner Circle slashes the income of the New Eden Defense Fund and deadlocks over militia warzone peacekeeping, while tensions escalate in occupied territories. * Above: CONCORD HQ, Yulai System* Inner Circle Security Summit Reduces New Eden Defense Fund Income Yulai, Genesis – CONCORD's Inner Circle has agreed to a provisional reduction in the funding provided to the New Eden Defense [...]
Matar, Pator – Vast numbers of Minmatar across the Republic are celebrating the 143rd anniversary of the start of the Great Rebellion in BYC20. The festivities are being accompanied by nearly two weeks of celebratory Liberation Games, in which the seven tribes' capsuleers will compete for the honor of determining which tribe will control a new station in orbit of Matar for the first year of operations. The Tribal Council has determined that the new station to mark Minmatar liberation will have its [...]