The Scope's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx brings your roundup of the latest news from all across New Eden as the Drifters assault a wide spread of nullsec systems and are reported sieging multiple capsuleer structures. Sudden Drifter Offensive in Outer Regions Takes CONCORD and Capsuleers by Surprise Yulai, Genesis - Drifter strike forces have been attacking at least 70 star systems, spread across the Outer Regions of New Eden's nullsec space, for the last two days, reports the Scope's Alton Haveri. [...]
The Scope's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx provides your roundup of the latest news from around New Eden as the Triglavian Collective brings its invasion to a new climax with the appearance of "World Arks" and new messages from the enigmatic Zorya Triglav. Terror from the Abyss as Triglavian World Arks Invade Multiple Star Systems Yulai, Genesis - Despite continued reassurances from CONCORD that the Triglavian invasion is "contained", the last week has seen repeated incursions of the vast "World Ark" [...]
The Scope's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx brings your roundup of the latest news from around New Eden as the Triglavian Collective continues its invasion and efforts to establish persistent conduits from its domains in Abyssal Deadspace into the very core of the cluster. Triglavian Invaders Using Major Conduits to Bring Reinforcements to New Eden Yulai, Genesis - Triglavian invasion forces have once again escalated the scale of their deployment in New Eden, confirming that the Collective are working [...]
The Scope's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx brings your roundup of the latest news from around New Eden as the Triglavian Collective escalates its operations to establish persistent conduits through space-time from the depths of Abyssal Deadspace into K-space itself. New Triglavian Strategy Emerges As Collective Establishes "Minor Conduits" Yulai, Genesis - A new phase in the Triglavian invasion has developed in the last few days, with it becoming clear that the appearance of sites of space-time [...]
The Scope's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx brings your roundup of the latest news from around New Eden as Triglavian invaders from Abyssal Deadspace roam throughout "high-security space" while CONCORD advises the people of the Cluster to "remain in situ and stay calm". Invasion Fleets Roaming at Will Across High-Security Space Yulai, Genesis - Since the first appearance of Triglavian ships in clusters of systems centered on Colelie, Haatomo and Yuhelia last Tuesday, a large number of systems across [...]