Hello players Here is the complete list of the contenders and their teams participating in the Amarr Championships. The contender for each house's champion is listed first, followed by their three retainers. House Ardishapur: Team 1: Rodj Blake Ladel Teravada Merdaneth Ikar Kaltin Team 2: Venix EmceeW Zaryx Niben Cyric 's Team 3: SoulLess Zealot Torei Dutalis Danmal Elana Su Team 4: Laerise Ascentior Ethidium Bromide Utari Onzo House Sarum: Team 1: Elise Randolph Loredana Cameron Hanns Doomchinchilla [...]
VARD - Investigators at the Vard III - Six Kin Development Production Plant have discovered one of the deceased individuals found in this station's leg space more than a week ago was a capsuleer. A report released by the coroner's office indicates the deceased persons are a mix of empire races, though most are Minmatar in heritage, and lists the cause of death as 'unknown' with specific indications of 'fedo attack', meaning some individuals may not have been entirely deceased when the animals began [...]
VARD - Following weeks of complaints about an odor described as "increasingly putrid" by local residents and business owners in certain districts of Vard III's Six Kin Development Production Plant, today authorities confirmed a maintenance crew had located a large fedo colony and the corpses of over a dozen partially-eaten people hidden in the bowels of the station. "The stench just seemed to come from everywhere," said Varn Ofarter, lead on the crew that made the grisly discovery. He described how [...]
THE BLEAK LANDS - A statement from the Office of Press for the Amarr Navy has confirmed that a 'significant' number of forces have been re-deployed to the Sasen and Vaarma constellations after several attacks on Imperial assets in the last twelve hours. It is believed that the attacks began in Kamela, with its third and eighth planet assaulted simultaneously and a number of religious sites desecrated during heavy fighting between local Imperial ground forces and a large contingent of Blood Raiders [...]
Amarr Prime - The Imperial Succession Committee has announced that the ritual of Shathol'Syn will be revived in full for the YC118 Succession to the Throne of the Amarr Empire. Suspended at the time of Empress Jamyl I's succession, the Shathol'Syn ritual calls for the honorable suicide of unsuccessful Royal Heirs following the election of a new Emperor. Until today, there had been some question as to the rituals to be observed following the final victory and selection of a new Emperor. The Imperial [...]