New Eden News

The latest news from around the cluster as told by the special reporters of the news organizations of New Eden.

SOCT Urges Capsuleers Not to Support Deathless

  • YC126-10-17

    SOCT Responds to Deathless Request for Atavum The SOCT has issued an official message to all capsuleers in response to the Deathless' recent request for Atavum. Mysterious devices left behind by ancient Jovian explorers, Atavum have been discovered in relic sites all across New Eden and wormhole space. Idmei Sver, CEO of the Society, urges pilots to bring their Atavum to Society of Conscious Thought stations in FDZ4-A instead of delivering them into Deathless hands. Here is the message in full: To the [...]

    Zarzakh Report: Hrada-Oki Memorial

      Zarzakh Report: Hrada-Oki Memorial DISCLAIMER: The Scope cannot verify the veracity of this individual’s account of events and their opinions do not represent the opinions of the Scope. We trust that our readers have the capacity to decide for themselves what is an appropriate degree of skepticism to apply to the following narrative. Despite my best efforts, I am still alive. Others have been less fortunate. Let’s smother any speculations over why I have not been ordered to exit the fulcrum through [...]

      Thukker Mix CEO Outraged at Hrada-Oki Convoy Heist

      • YC126-10-09

        Altrinur, Metropolis - Thukker Mix CEO, Egar Aldinold, has called on Republic and Tribal authorities to crackdown on the Hrada-Oki Caravan following acts of theft. Members of the caravan masqueraded as Thukker Mix workers in order to infiltrate a Thukker Mix station and stage an illegal convoy. The Hrada-Oki caravan is a Thukker clan notorious for its criminal activities and known to be associated with the Deathless Circle. Yesterday, a group of Hrada clan members managed to register themselves as [...]

        Zarzakh Report: Post-siege Update as Crimson Harvest Rages On

          Crimson Harvest Rages On As the Crimson Harvest rages through New Eden, capsuleers are reminded to watch out for Blood Raider threats. The Sani Sabik, a heretical offshoot of the Amarr religion, have been known to favor clone targets. Reports have already emerged of Raider fleets stealing warclone blanks from their long-time foes, the Order of St. Tetrimon. The Order were only brought back into the Amarrian fold after the Great Rebellion, but are zealous opponents of the Raiders. The Blood Raiders [...]