Zarzakh Report: Post-siege Update as Crimson Harvest Rages On

New Eden News | YC126-10-07 - By Hana Shikari

Crimson Harvest Rages On

As the Crimson Harvest rages through New Eden, capsuleers are reminded to watch out for Blood Raider threats. The Sani Sabik, a heretical offshoot of the Amarr religion, have been known to favor clone targets. Reports have already emerged of Raider fleets stealing warclone blanks from their long-time foes, the Order of St. Tetrimon. The Order were only brought back into the Amarrian fold after the Great Rebellion, but are zealous opponents of the Raiders.

The Blood Raiders have called on all faithful to join their hunt, while the Order invites lawful capsuleers to pledge support in their fight against the bloodthirsty cult. shrouded structure

Meanwhile, we have another report from Hana Shikari, our source within the Fulcrum, ready to update us on the aftermath of the recent siege.

DISCLAIMER: The Scope cannot verify the veracity of this individual’s account of events and their opinions do not represent the opinions of the Scope. We trust that our readers have the capacity to decide for themselves what is an appropriate degree of skepticism to apply to the following narrative.

Zarzakh Report: After the Siege

Tomorrow in Altrinur at 15:00 a mystery begins to unravel. Until then, a vital spark has returned to this den of iniquity.

Since the empyreans broke the Drifter siege, our system overflows once more with the essential distractions necessary for our continued existence. The emanation lock has disrupted the free movement of humanity through Zarzakh, but not illicit goods. If birds flew under our metallic sky they would surely be happily chirping away overhead while the lawless below whistled along.

So the great megalodons of New Eden have swam back out to the depths of wormhole space leaving our diving cages rattled but our limbs intact. Everyone, from pirate kings to humble narcotics smugglers is happy to ignore the unimaginable horror of their inevitable retaliation. Deeper shadows are cast by rumors that the only thing that saved us was the revelation that our benefactor is not entirely in control of the unfathomable station we inhabit, which it turns out is capable of acts previously considered impossible.

But as these existential concerns slip to the back of the mind, more precedented nightmares stalking the stars have been able to return. The Blood Raiders have begun their annual hunt and one in three vessels that docks carries the scars of a recent meeting with the followers of Omir Sarikusa. Hrada-Oki research supply vessels are especially popular with the Raiders, though what interest the Red God has in the Circle’s machinations is beyond my non-existent status.

I am of course skipping around the most curious development of all, a new denizen as invisible in this missive as it is in our space. I plied a transient identity salesman with a couple of bottles of moonshine and a few vials of frentix in exchange for a discreet fly-by. Its body lies hidden, but its edges are written in lightning. A thing of storms revealed through conflict. Even I can spot a bad omen when it’s kilometers long.

Caravanmaster Malaya Hrada has extended an invitation to the capsuleers of New Eden to assist her clanfolk in beginning the process of uncovering the secrets of this thunderous mystery. I know that because everybody does, I am no longer invited to the Hrada dice games. I suspect Malaya may be a closeted subscriber to the Scope and not a fan of my last submission. Either that or she has grown tired of my bad luck and shallow pockets.

It was a rogue dockhand with bushy eyebrows and loose lips who informed me that they will gather in Altrinur tomorrow at 15:00, not my former creditors. I suppose it will not be too long after that we discover whether her trust in the capsuleers was well placed.

This may well be my last missive, as the narrowed eyes I catch glaring at me around the corners of my usual drinking spots indicate that our ignoble Carvanmaster may not be your only subscription holder within the Fulcrum. If I am unable to deliver further insights know that I died as lived; telling somebody who did not care to listen something they did not want to hear.

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