Escalation in Athounon Athounon, Placid – Caldari and Gallente naval and militia forces have clashed in Athounon and nearby systems in Placid following extraordinary calls for action issued by military authorities of the two interstellar powers. Mobilization of navy forces, together with specific orders and rules of engagement, appear aimed at contesting control of the Athounon system as the highest priority for each empire in the Caldari-Gallente militia warzone. Above: Orders to State Protectorate [...]
The Scope's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx brings your roundup of the latest news from around the cluster, as the Gallente Federation celebrates the 239th anniversary of its founding while disputes break out between New Eden's great powers. Above: New Federation President HQ under construction in Parchanier system The 239th Federation Day Brings Changes to Federal Capitals Amidst the Celebrations Luminaire, Essence – As the Gallente Federation celebrates the 239th anniversary of the founding of the [...]