New Eden - Estel Arador Corp Services [EACS] recently celebrated its first year of providing free jump clone access to capsuleers from all over New Eden. During the year, EACS has helped provide over 4000 capsuleers with free jump clone access, "There were 4032 clients in the first year, which is way more than I expected before I started the service," said Estel Arador the man behind this venture. The service currently provides access to approximately 447 jump clone facilities scattered throughout [...]
Eurgrana, Metropolis - ATLAS is staging out of Eurgrana in a large-scale campaign to disrupt Widly Inappropriate's [WI.] operations in Geminate. Last week, WI. intelligence officers reported the interception of an ATLAS internal communication with deployment instructions and plans for a full scale attack in Geminate. Just a few hours later WI. scouts reported 200+ ATLAS arriving in Eurgrana with carrier-class ships and support. Tomcat of Wildy Inappropriate. reported that "ATLAS is invading [...]
<img src='' width='350' height='50' /> New Eden - The Heiian Society recently announced that it is accepting nominations for those corporations whom best represent the Caldari culture and ideals. Dex Nederland of Lai Dai Infinity Systems [LDIS] said in a recent statement that the society "is accepting nominations for corporations to be honoured as State Corporation of the Year, Non-State Corporation of the Year, and Start-Up Corporation of the [...]
BWF-ZZ, Geminate - ATLAS seized an opportunity to attack Widly Inappropriate. [WI.] along with Cry Havoc in the BWF-ZZ system recently. However, when WI. escaped to safety, ATLAS turned their guns on the Cry Havoc fleet they were fighting alongside just moments before. Cry Havoc reports that as part of their ongoing efforts to "get engagements with WI. and disrupt their industrial activities in the region", the WI. jump bridge structures in the BWF-ZZ system were put into reinforced mode and guns were [...]
Geminate - A coalition of alliances has been formed with the goal of capturing systems in Geminate after Widly Inappropriate. [WI.] dropped sovereignty in the area. Currently, leadership by TERMINATION [-74-] is being challenged by In Tea We Trust [TLEAF]. Phunkadin of TLEAF reports "On the very first day, the Coalition joined together and formed up an impressive fleet of nearly 200 in under 3 hours. There were carriers, dreadnoughts and even an Aeon ready to do battle, accompanied by hundreds of [...]
AD-5B8, Geminate - In a surprise engagement prepared by Ihatalo Cartel Navy [IHANA] and Black Legion [MEN.], Atlas [ATLAS] hot-dropped Wildly Inappropriate [WI.] capitals in West Geminate, resulting in 50 capital ship kills with minimum losses. Elo Knight of Black Legion is a former member of ATLAS that "setup a control tower in QP0K-B System in Geminate to draw out fights from WI. and other Alliances. WI. eventually destroyed [the] tower, so he... and Securitas Protector [of Ihatalo Cartel Navy] [...]
WY-9LL, Fountain - Divine Retribution [DVRN], a Sons of Tangra [SOT] alliance corporation, gave the order to hot-drop and destroy one of their own Avatar-class titans last week. The titan pilot, Hurley, was thought at the time to be defecting to IT Alliance, but she claims adamantly that this was untrue due to a long and well-known emnity between herself and several IT Alliance member corporations. A joint force from Sons of Tangra and allies Pandemic Legion engaged the super-capital at a control [...]
BREAKING NEWS - After successfully pushing the Caldari out of Covryn, the Gallente just hours ago announced the capture of Murethand as they continue their push against the Caldari held systems. After Murethand fell, Julius Foederatus, a Luminaire General within the Federal Defence Union [FDU] stated the reason he believed the Caldari have been pushed out of Covryn, and now Murethand: "[It was] an incredible amount of hard work put in over the past few days and persistence of FDU plexers for the past [...]
CATCH - Celebrated as freedom fighters by capsuleers of the Republic and denounced as terrorists by those supporting the Empire, Ushra'Khan [UNITY] recently achieved five years of service to the Minmatar people since the alliance's inception in November of 106. Flying under the mantra "we are the Ushra'Khan, we come for our people", UNITY's purpose throughout the years has remained mostly unchanged: eliminate slavery by whatever means necessary - specifically throughout Providence and Catch, regions [...]
News Flash - Reports of a joint Caldari and Amarr capsuleer effort against the Minmatar Republic have been coming in, with a number of Minmatar strongholds changing hands and more expected over the next days and weeks. More than half a dozen systems have been taken so far, with early reports suggesting that Damar Rocarion and Bad Messenger are the leaders behind the attacks. Jade Constantine, spokesperson for Star Fraction, accused Minmatar officials of allowing the attacks to happen: "I have [...]
Geminate - Wildly Inappropriate. [WI.] removed their sovereignty in a large part of West Geminate and several Smaller Alliances have entered the area and are now taking control of systems in the region. Diplomat Meno Theaetetus revealed that due to the recent infrastructure changes, Wildly Inappropriate. "had already decided to remove [sovereignty] in a large part of West Geminate" and that "a number of small Alliances have taken the chance to claim a few Systems we had removed [sovereignty] from." [...]
Evati, Metropolis - Some 300 pilots attended the recent "Party In Evati." Four hours of music and interviews, prize giveaways, free frigates for friendly skirmishes, a holovideo premiere and even pirate-themed poetry were organized by the Hellcats [HCATS] pirate corporation and partners, Split Infinity Radio [EDGAR]. Hellcats is a women-only organization, self-described as "bloodthirsty, devious, merciless, calculating, independent badass girls with initiative, attitude and a sense of humor." CEO [...]
NULL SECURITY SPACE - Multiple freighter fleets suffered severe losses this evening as massive logistical operations took place all across New Eden. The latest reports indicate twenty-seven freighters belonging to RAZOR Alliance [-RZR-] and SOLAR FLEET [SOLAR] fell victim to hot drops in separate attacks. The first attack was reported around 20:02 when a large -RZR- logistical operation was surprised by Triumvirate [TRI] after bridging in to a control tower in NL6V-7, a -RZR- jump bridge system in [...]