FEYTHABOLIS. Yesterday at approximately 12:20 New Eden Time, the Ascendant Frontier Alliance (ASCN) deployed the first capsuleer owned and built Titan into the AZN-D2 system. The Titan is the majestic Avatar of Amarrian design now named CYVOK´s Avatar after its current pilot and one of the leading figures who made the production possible. The launch is the result of 8 months of hard work and dedication of an entire alliance, at the cost of over 160 billion ISK, as well as a sophisticated operation to [...]
Over the past few months there have been a growing number of pod pilots taking notice of a young, quick witted and sometimes foolhardy capsuleer named Innominate Nightmare. Much to the dismay of his instructors at the Caldari State War Academy, he decided to jump in a shuttle and head off to unsecure space in search of what he termed “The meaning of life”. Recently though, his actions have made some people wonder if his intentions are philosophical or financial in nature. His journey so far has taken [...]
Over the past few months there have been a growing number of pod pilots taking notice of a young, quick witted and sometimes foolhardy capsuleer named Innominate Nightmare. Much to the dismay of his instructors at the Caldari State War Academy, he decided to jump in a shuttle and head off to unsecured space in search of what he termed “The meaning of life”. Recently though, his actions have made some people wonder if his intentions are philosophical or financial in nature. His journey so far has taken [...]
Providence. Forces of the Interstellar Starbase Syndicate and Ushra´Khan have defended against heavy attacks upon the 9UY4-H system over the past week; an invasion force comprised of several pirate corporations is responsible for the attacks. Sykosys, a pilot from U´K, reported that the invasion started weeks ago when they saw an increase in the number of Finite Horizon pilots in the Providence region. Apparently more like minded corporations and alliances joined them such as the Establishment, [...]
At 1939 Galactic Time, 30,538 capsuleers were logged into the Gal-Net communication channels, more than the channels have seen in the history of Gal-Net Comm. Unsubstantiated reports put over 700 capsuleers in the Jita system at the time of the Gal-Net user record. Said Lt. Commander AeolusWind, a member of ISD's STAR division, "It's amazing to see the capsuleer brotherhood has expanded such a great deal, but it still has that warm toasty feeling like when eveyrone in Gal-Net Comm was a rookie." Such [...]