YC 113.10.01 - YC 113.10.31 The situation this month was similar to September; whilst most sovereignty warfare occurred in the Catch region, Delve saw the highest level of ship losses. In Catch, further stations were lost by Against All Authorities (AAA) and their allies to the attackers, though AAA were able to re-secure multiple systems after losing them, namely N-8BZ6, YHN-3K and AOK-WQ. Fighting in Delve has reached new heights, with 20,678 capsuleer vessels destroyed there this month. This is the [...]
YC 113.11.01 - YC 113.11.30 Further fighting in Delve this month saw the Goonswarm Federation alliance capture several more stations, taking five from Brick Squad. Morsus Mihi and Brick Squad seem to be drawing their attempt to take hold of parts of Delve to a close, with their activity in the region being far lower than in previous months. Goonswarm scored 1,790 kills through the month, with Delve seeing 15,272 capsuleer vessel losses. Whilst lower than previous months, this level is high in [...]
YC 113.09.01 - YC 113.09.30 September saw continued pressure from White Noise, Red Alliance and their allies being put on Against All Authorities (AAA). AAA lost several stations, with a total of 16 stations falling to the attackers this month. Despite the amount of territory exchanging hands, the number of capsuleer ships being destroyed in the process was relatively low, totalling only 8,765 for the month compared to 19,420 in August. Delve however has regained the top spot that it had held for [...]
YC 113.08.01 - YC 113.08.31 August saw a large number of the alliances that make up the Drone Region Forces (DRF) coalition launch an assault on the Against All Authorities (AAA) alliance homeland of Catch. The key systems of HED-GP and GE-8JV have fallen to the DRF, with fighting causing a colossal 19,420 capsuleer vessels and structures to be destroyed by other capsuleers in Catch this month. This level of fighting is the highest seen in the Catch region since CONCORD records began in late YC109, [...]
YC 113.07.01 - YC 113.07.31 This month saw elements of the DRF, primarily NC., Pandemic Legion and Raiden launch an attack on the Goonswarm Federation home region, Deklein. The primary goal is believed to have been to acquire a grasp on as many technetium rich moons as possible due to their immense income potential. The initial launch of the campaign saw limited success; however the attackers were rapidly repelled. This conflict saw Deklein increase in terms of numbers of vessels destroyed from 4,529 [...]
YC 113.06.01 - YC 113.06.30 This month saw a colossal swing in the balance of power within the null security regions, with the group of alliances known as the "Northern Coalition" (NC) almost entirely losing their grasp over their holdings of several years. This sudden collapse has taken place after months of warring with the DRF (Drone Region Forces) coalition, resulting in the regions of Tribute, Branch and Tenal changing hands. The focal point of this collapse was Tribute, which as the home of the [...]
New Eden - A group of capsuleers, led by Krissada, are attempting to disrupt the “ISK farming” currently occurring at Sansha Incursion sites. They are planning to destroy Sansha motherships as soon as they arrive through their wormholes and in doing so hope to cut back the amount of ISK earned by capsuleers who attend the incursions simply to collect bounties on the lesser Sansha forces in the area. Krissada is apparently aggrieved that "bears" are able to "farm" for ISK in high-sec Incursions with [...]
Umokka, Lonetrek - The New Year's Eve celebrations arranged by Daggaroth and New Eden Radio proved to be a success. Local peaked at roughly 1800 people and it is estimated that 300 tuned into New Eden Radio to listen to the broadcast of the event. The raffle that had been planned brought in an excess of 4 billion ISK and large number of prizes were given away including PLEX and a Chimera. GalNet References Video of the celebration Prize winners Are you affected by the events in this article? Do you [...]
Vlillirier, Placid - On the 17th of December, Marlona Sky undocked in a Moros dreadnought named Intigo with the intention of having it blown up. Marlona, inspired by the event "Bring me the head of Kirith Kodachi", decided to throw an event with billions worth of prizes to be won by participants. The First Tier prizes, including a Vindicator battleship worth in excess of 1.1 billion ISK and a Proteus with five subsystems, were limited to capsuleers flying frigates or destroyers. When interviewed after [...]