by ISD Eumaios Thelousses Empire residents take up arms in an attempt to eradicate newly discovered Serpentis and Angel research facilities located within the depths of Syndicate and Curse. The operation began at around 18:30, November the 7th, when roughly 1000 capsuleers gathered alongside Admiral Ren Karetta of the Imperial Navy in Sarum Prime and set forth towards RMOC-W within the Curse region. At the same time, Operational Admiral Auvier Bauvon of the Federation Navy departed from Meves with a [...]
by ISD Eumaios Thelousses KW-I6T - Catch - November 05 The Nulli Secunda [S2N] held outpost exited its shield reinforcement cycle on the evening of the 5th at which point Darkness of Despair [-DD-] and their allies took the opportunity to drop a small capital fleet of Dreadnought class ships to push the outpost further into an armour timer. As the hours passed the battle continued to rage as the battle participation reached over 1900 pilots. Black Legion [MEN.] entered the battle with a Dreadnought [...]
by ISD Eumaios Thelousses GE-8JV, Catch - The N3 Coalition, consisting of alliances such as Nulli Secunda [S2N] and Northern Coalition [NC.], made a pre-emptive strike on Against ALL Authorities [.-A-.]'s staging system, GE-8JV, in an attempt to prevent its own space coming under siege as standings are changed. The initial N3 attack saw them reinforce both the Infrastructure Hub (IHub) and outpost in the system with Sovereignty Blockade Units. On 2nd of November, the IHub exited reinforcement and saw [...]