The darkness outside the bunker was pervasive, and a blanket of dull fog softened the[...]
This was life in the mines. Noise. Work. Sleep. Finding the time for a sip, or a bite[...]
Aduner Hulmkelat is an elder Minmatar statesman and government official. At one point[...]
Ana Utulf (born YC17) is the former governor of the Ammatar Mandate. A Nefantar by bi[...]
Annes is a Starkmanir who recently returned to the Minmatar Republic following the El[...]
Arbjan Haede is a Minmatar boy and a once-inhabitant of A'Beef, where he had been rai[...]
Arzad is a solar system. It is home to Arzad II, once known as Starkman Prime and anc[...]
Arzad Hamri was a Holder of the Hamri family under Arkon Ardishapur. Historical Backg[...]
Asadir is a Minmatar mercenary. He is noted to be a tech head and appears to be the p[...]
Auber was Song's father and a Minmatar slave. Song was born while Auber and Song's mo[...]
Auduban was a Minmatar, living onboard a station somewhere outside Minmatar space. Hi[...]
The scene is a bar in the Great Wildlands, at the outskirts of Minmatar space. It is [...]
Beliah is a student at Republic University whose time was mostly spent with the polit[...]
Boundless Creation was established as a symbol of hope, a nationalist beacon in the d[...]
Brutor Tribe The Brutor are marked by a disciplined stoicism and deeply spiritual cas[...]
Bryd Krooear is a Minmatar boy and a former inhabitant of A'Beef, where he had been r[...]
Bryld is a seven-year old Minmatar child living on Matar. His father is an engineer. [...]
The CONCORD Emergency Militia War Powers Act was a hastily constructed act empowering[...]
Charlize was a former resident of an unnamed space station. Of Minmatar descent, she [...]
ChromIts are a popular children's toy, particularly among the Minmatar. They consist [...]
Cliemne Thevistos is the daughter of Ziather and sister of Kestor. She aspires to bec[...]
"Would you like a drink, sir?" "Yes, a small arrack, please." Allek looked up and smi[...]
Crofton is a large Brutor man with a black beard, receding hairline, and a face deepl[...]
The Daughters of the Revolution refers to girls born in the baby boom following the M[...]