Doriam II, also known as Doriam Kor-Azor, was a Amarr Emperor who reigned from YC105 [...]
Dr. Adad's Wild Time is a popular Amarr holo show. Millions of children watch the sho[...]
Duran Ricard was the 6th Federal Ambassador to the Amarr Empire. Sixty years ago he m[...]
The Ealur are a slave race within the Amarr Empire. They were the first race conquere[...]
The Economy of the Amarr Empire is one of the largest in New Eden, being generally co[...]
Edras was a settlement on the east end of Amarr Island. See Also Amarr Empire Chronic[...]
Engru Intajaf is a tenth-generation indentured professor to the Hedion University Tor[...]
The Equilibrium of Mankind are a doomsday cult of Amarr origin that was founded rough[...]
Ermika was an attache or house guard once assigned to Maleatu Shakor during a brief s[...]
Ersilia Kor-Azor is the daughter of Doriam II's sister Sabin. She is a cousin of Arit[...]
Farokh Khanid is a member of the Amarr Empire's Privy Council. Early Life The early l[...]
Fazian Shalah is an Amarr Holder who is a member of the Kor-Azor Family court. His ac[...]
Fimiris is the daughter of a Kor-Azor Holder who is one of the sponsors of Dr. Adad's[...]
Frazov was an Amarr with a military background marked by tattoos across his chest. He[...]
Furriers are small furry animals that make twittering sounds and are commonly kept as[...]
The Garden of Contemplation is a location near the Imperial Court on Amarr Prime that[...]
Girani-Fa is a mineral-rich system located close to the borders of both the Gallente [...]
The Girani-Fa incident was an incident between the Gallente Federation and the Amarr [...]
Bethora looked out the station window, waiting for the race to begin. The windows her[...]
The Golgothan Fields are a bleak interstellar site of shipwrecks. The Minmatar rebell[...]
The Amarr Empire is a theocratic monarchy which can best be described as a single sta[...]
Continued from part 1. Imperial Courts The Empire possesses two separate Empire-wide [...]
Hamideh Kador is the current Royal Heir-elect of the House of Kador. Known in royal c[...]
Harr Indi was an Amarr Holder on Matar who claimed to have discovered the Ametat and [...]