Through the years, the Caldari State’s reigning ideology has been broadly defined by [...]
The 37th (Octopus) Squadron is a numbered squadron of the Caldari Navy that operates [...]
The darkness outside the bunker was pervasive, and a blanket of dull fog softened the[...]
The Achilles Missile was a weapons system developed by Caldari scientist and engineer[...]
The Achura have been part of the Caldari State for three centuries, and yet their cul[...]
The Achuran Songbird is a small game bird that, while of Caldari origin, is used in s[...]
Adek was a miner on board a mining station in lowsec space. When first encountered, t[...]
Akora is a low security system located in The Forge, Caldari State, and once had a wo[...]
The landscape was beautiful and serene: The sun, recently set, cast the remnant of it[...]
Ani Onikori, more commonly known as the Fiend, is a Caldari capsuleer terrorist. Ten [...]
Antel was a worker in forge/mining complex somewhere in Caldari space. He agreed to j[...]
Anvent Eturrer was a Gallente former Grand Admiral of the Federation Navy. Eturrer is[...]
Arii works under Hilen Tukoss on [Zainou Biotech's](../../new-eden/organizations/zain[...]
Arkonian Tea was a drink Commander Orestes of the CRC gladly accepted after a session[...]
The Battle of Iyen-Oursta was a major engagement of the Gallente-Caldari War. It is t[...]
He entered the room alone, motioning the door closed behind him with a lazy wave of h[...]
The Border Zone Defence Matrix is the collective name for the early warning and fast [...]
Formerly an extremist labor movement in the State, the Brothers of Freedom led a wide[...]
C3 (C3-fullero-tris-methanodicarboxylic acid) is a synthetic neurological booster tha[...]
The CONCORD Emergency Militia War Powers Act was a hastily constructed act empowering[...]
Caldari State The Caldari State is an authoritarian militaristic nation, founded on t[...]
When the Caldari State under Heth conquers Gallente systems, the Caldari Administrati[...]
The Caldari bloodlines refer to the two distinct races that emerged on Caldari Prime,[...]
Caldari Corporations The Caldari State is a corporate state through and through, cont[...]