The Tea Maker Ceremony is a method of resolving disputes or (more likely) allowing fo[...]
The Electric Museum is a station-based institution funded by the Caldari megacorps th[...]
Lieutenant Hirakii Pirkotan looked at his freshly shaven face in the steel mirror in [...]
The Solari constructs are ruins. Floating deep in a backwater constellation of the Fo[...]
Follow the rise and fall of the Crielere project, the greatest research project human[...]
Todaki is a system. The School of Applied Knowledge had a school here when Trevor Kek[...]
The transneural burning scanner is a device that copies a capsuleer's brain informati[...]
Trevor Kekkonen was a Caldari scientist and spaceship captain. He was not a capsuleer[...]
The name of Tyma Raitaru will forever be associated with the term freelance research.[...]
Tyunaul Seituoda was a corporate raider and financier in the period just prior to the[...]
My father... ... well, never mind. The Gallentean smiled when I hit him. I had him up[...]
Considered selfish and self-centered, Vania was in a relationship with Melarius, the [...]
Vertan Nejowin works for a plastic surgery corporation, that secretly provides face-s[...]
Vilinnon is a solar system. It is located in the Gallente Federation and is infamous [...]
Wind-of-the-West is one of the Caldari spirits. Wind-of-the-West comes from the Great[...]
YBH-349 is an asteroid presumably somewhere near the Caldari-Gallente border where th[...]
Yakiya Tovil-Toba was an admiral in the Caldari Navy during the Gallente-Caldari War,[...]
Yonate was a CFO of Sukuuvestaa. He was heavily involved in the creation of prototype[...]
For some years, Dr. Yoshun acted as Tibus Heth's personal physician, treating him und[...]