Yulai - The Sisters of EVE issued a public demand today for an explanation of several incidents involving CONCORD's Directive Enforcement Department, alleged by the SOE to be linked and constituting a pattern of "CONCORD-sanctioned warfare experiments". The last two weeks have seen the suspension of CONCORD's suspect-flagging system for those entering the deepest pockets of Abyssal Deadspace, together with the destruction in Yulai of capsuleer capital ships alleged to be using illegal rogue drone [...]
Above: Damaged Republic Parliament Bureau in orbit of Turnur I Stellar Disruption and Wormhole Activity in Turnur Aftermath Turnur, Metropolis – Turnur's star continues to exhibit a highly energetic and disrupted state following yesterday's extreme stellar event, with the star undergoing a rapid and unpredictable evolution to an apparent new phase. The planet of Turnur I continues to feel the after-effects of the impinging radiation burst and wave of supercharged plasma particles, with its atmosphere [...]
Above: data from the Deathless Circle may be key to discovering pirate intentions Threat of Hidden Jovian Stargates Controlled by Pirates Raised by SoCT Address to CONCORD Assembly Yulai, Genesis – In a dramatic public address to the CONCORD Assembly, Elder Mentor Matshi Raish of the Society of Conscious Thought revealed the probable existence of one or more hidden Jovian stargates across New Eden. Elder Mentor Raish also raised the alarming prospect that any such gates may be under the control of [...]
UNKNOWN - Reporting exclusively for the Scope's Galactic Hour with Ret Gloriaxx, veteran journalist and frontline reporter Ret Gloriaxx has confirmed that certain data sites scattered across New Eden and Anoikis can contain the Triglavian transport technology known as "Abyssal Filaments". Embedded with a Thukker Tribe deep-space raiding party, Ret Gloriaxx has been able to witness two separate operations: one against an Angel Cartel fortified data site at a classified location in New Eden; another [...]
Above: Aftermath of the Turnur Incident at Republic Parliament station in orbit of Turnur I Turnur Survivor Charged with Treason After Calling for Desertions Pator, Heimatar – The writer and Turnur survivor, Kamí Día, has released a holoreel calling for Republic troops to abandon their posts. The holoreel has been covertly distributed by Día’s supporters throughout the Republic’s military. It contains a recording of her condemning the Republic for its failure to protect smaller clan holdings from a [...]