Imagine if the bars to your prison were all you had ever known. Then one day, someone[...]
Keying in the ignition sequence, Hammerhead softly whispered a quick prayer. For a fe[...]
CONCORD Assembly The Consolidated Cooperation and Relations Command Assembly, or CONC[...]
The CONCORD Emergency Militia War Powers Act was a hastily constructed act empowering[...]
Cerb Rausolle, aka "The Astrologer," was the leader of the 25ers. The Astrologer is p[...]
The Admiral closed the holo-conference connection and glanced out the window. Darknes[...]
The Modern Era of the Gallente Federation (or the Modern Federate Era) covers the tim[...]
Continued from part 1. Late Civil War Period The Federation continued its advances to[...]
I floated inside my capsule drowsily listening to the artificial hum of space. My STA[...]
Sansha's Nation There are many horrors along the fringes and in the dark places of Ne[...]
-Continued from Sine Wave: Alpha- ++Some Personal Recollections++ Pator System, Matar[...]
The Special Affairs for Regulations and Order (SARO) unit is a special forces group w[...]
The political hub of the galaxy and the Headquarters of the CONCORD assembly, Yulai i[...]