NEW CALDARI - Ishukone CEO Mens Reppola was the target of scathing attacks from Lai Dai this afternoon, in a Chief Executive Panel session called to discuss progress on the resolution of the Kyonoke crisis on Oijanen II.
Reppola was targeted after stating that Ishukone would "continue to render any assistance necessary to both the Federation and State, in order to foster an environment of cross-border collaboration during a time of extreme crisis in both nations" with Lai Dai Chief Executive Alakoni Ishanoya standing from her seat at the CEP's debate table to confront the Ishukone CEO.
During an outburst that interrupted the session for several minutes, Ishanoya derided him in front of the other six members of the CEP, branding his statement "traitorous and insulting to the Caldari people" while simultaneously suggesting that Ishukone should "keep its affairs on the Caldari side of the border, and focus on care of the Caldari people."
The session was temporarily suspended for replacement of the Gavel wielded by Puok Kossinen, CEO of the Chief Executive Panel, after he apparently shattered the head from the grip of the ceremonial mallet while bringing the session back to order.
As talks resumed and Kaalakiota Chief Executive Haatakan Oiritsuu offered her more muted agreement that "Ishukone should place its priorities in assisting the Caldari people before assigning further assets outside the jurisdiction of the State", Ishanoya reiterated her disgust with Isuhkone's statement.
As the session concluded, Lai Dai's Press Office declined to comment on their Chief Executive's conduct, however Scope News did manage to field questions to the Ishukone CEO as he arrived on Caldari Prime.
When quizzed regarding Ishanoya's conduct during the session, Reppola responded that "she's a driven woman with the heart of a true patriot. We've never truly seen eye to eye, but she'll always have my respect regardless of how she chooses to express herself. I believe that collaboration without borders is the key to resolving the Kyonoke crisis, which extends far beyond the State's jurisdiction after recent events."
When further questioned about Ishukone's involvement in affairs within the Federation, Reppola offered a simple response, stating that "the Federation was gracious enough to allow us access to Caldari Prime after the conclusion of Operation Highlander. I see this as an olive branch for collaboration, while some on the Panel see it as an insult. I make use of every opportunity presented to me, regardless of the source."
At this time, the Scope's contacts at the Chief Executive Panel remain silent on the disruption that occurred during the session.