Tanoo, Derelik - In a surprising move, Royal Heir Yonis Ardishapur has appointed Ekroz Salaf, an ethnic Ammatar, as Governor of the Ammatar Mandate. Governor Salaf is a career imperial civil servant who most recently held the position of District Collector for the Ministry of Assessment in Parud constellation, Domain region.
The appointment of a new governor has been the subject of intense speculation since Yonis Ardishapur was given the Mandate to rule as a personal fief by Empress Jamyl I. The policy of granting True Amarr Holders key planetary and system fiefs, together with a purge of the Ammatar nobility, had raised fears that the Ammatar people were being relegated to an entirely subservient position in the new order. Political scientists at the Ammatar Consular University in Tanoo suggest that the appointment of Governor Salaf will do much to allay concerns among the Ammatar populace.
House Ardishapur officials have confirmed that Yonis Ardishapur took a critical role in overseeing the search for the new governor, requiring that the personal histories of all candidates be presented for his personal review. Ekroz Salaf has been an official in the imperial civil service for 37 years and began his career as a liaison between the Ministry of Assessment and the Nefantar Miner Association in Derelik. His official biographical notes state that his talent for logistical administration was recognized by a Ministry review board that appointed him System Assessor in Tanoo in YC80. In YC87, Salaf was promoted to the rank of District Collector for San Matar before transferring to his posting in Domain in YC98. Governor Salaf will officially take up his duties in the next few weeks.