Tabbetzur Strike Planned, Drifter Wormholes Are Future Goal

New Eden News | YC127-03-05


Tabbetzur Strike Plans Leaked

The first of two military strikes will take place on Thursday, the 6th of March in Tabbetzur at 18:00, according to documents leaked to the Scope. The documents, which were delivered by an anonymous source, have been verified as the incomplete records of a Republic Fleet briefing. The second strike is set for 09:00 the following day.

According to the hyperspace telemetry gathered by the Society of Conscious Thought, these strikes will take place after the Drifter intervention in this system has occurred. Yet, according to the briefing, the target of the attack will not be under Drifter control. The briefing indicates that the goal of the strike will be to retrieve intel that grants an advantage in developing the technology necessary to occupy Drifter Wormhole systems.

The Republic Fleet has refused to comment on the operation. Reports from local pilots have already suggested hidden presences in the system. While these could be advance Republic Fleet operatives, many believe that Deathless Circle operations are underway in Tabbetzur. Deathless Circle research outposts have been spotted throughout Crisis systems where they conduct dangerous research on Drifter Wormholes.


Taking the Fight to the Drifters

Sources within all four major militaries have reported a shift in focus towards attacking the Drifters' own wormhole systems. These systems are believed to be the Drifters' operational hubs. Up until now, they have been considered too difficult to hold. This is because of the logistical challenges required to set up a significant military presence inside wormhole space occupied by hostile forces.

A think tank held on the Paragon station in Ourapheh has published findings that contradict those assumptions. According to the think tank, the SOCT’s new telemetry as well as remote connections demonstrated by the Warden and Fulcrum stations in Zarzakh indicate that new logistical possibilities could be unlocked.

The possibility of opening up this new front in the war is not only strategically promising, but would also mean the possibility of future research and development. Drifter technology is a largely unexplored link to the lost knowledge of the ancient Jove. Any group that successfully secured such technology would have a chance to develop future advantages over their competitors.

The Scope has gathered reports of groups interested in advancing towards the Drifter Wormholes:

The Four Major Factions

Intelligence operatives from the four major factions have begun searching for information on how to achieve this new technological development. The Republic Security Services, Ministry of Internal Order, and Federal Intelligence Office have all made enquires on the behalf of their respective governments. In the Caldari State, the House of Records and direct representatives of the Central Executive Panel have done the same.

The Angel Cartel

The Angel Cartel is known to use Jovian tech as inspiration for their unique ships. Recent arrests believed to be tied to the Guardian and Salvation Angels indicate a key interest in seizing Drifter technology.


Formed to fight against the Triglavian invasion, EDENCOM has recently begun training on Sleeper drones instead. Shifting focus from the Triglavians to the Drifters could be seen as a natural extension of EDENCOM’s remit. It is believed that EDENCOM is collaborating with the DED who would act as a proxy for their interests.


A household name, this corporation’s manifesto is to “bring all things to all people”. EverMore has framed itself as a cutting edge technology developer. Their subsidiary Paragon hosted the above-mentioned scientific talks recently, and acts as their parent company’s capsuleer liaison group.

Society of Conscious Thought

The Society has been vocal in its belief that they should be the stewards of Jovian technologies. Through their own corporation and Genolution they will likely be glad recipients of any new technologies.

Triglavian Collective

The Triglavian Collective is believed to be in the midst of a full-scale conflict with the Drifters inside Abyssal Deadspace. All Clades and the Collective itself have begun reaching out within Pochven for technologies that would give them an advantage over “The Ancient Enemy Azdaja”.

The Upwell Consortium

The Consortium is known for its advanced infrastructure technologies, from megastructures to unique cloning techniques. Ytiri, one of the consortium’s member corporations, has recently begun making enquiries about Drifter Wormhole technologies on the Consortium’s behalf.