The Interstellar Starbase Syndicate has launched the first of its Caravan fleets on March 25, marking a new chapter in their history of innovation and zero-sec pioneering. The Carrier-led fleets will journey out to the recently uncovered regions, where they will conduct personal trades, as well as seed the markets with goods.
Since the loss of their outposts, the future of the ISS had been somewhat uncertain, beyond general statements that they would continue to push for innovative approaches to zero-sec marketing and economisation. With their plans to use carriers en masse as part of a new frontier marketing tool, they continue to use unique approaches that exemplify the alliance’s signature ability, a willingness to explore new methods.
“The goal of the Caravan Fleet is to help seed deep space with the tools of civilisation, to teach the frontier a lesson in trade and commerce,” stated the leader of the ISS, Count TaSessine. “Before, we were bound to the outposts. Today, we’re the same, our goals and visions remain, but we have escaped the sedentary and isolated existence of the caretaker.”
Continuing his explanation of the modus operandi of the caravan fleet, Count TaSessine stated: “We will head into deep space and start trading with people there. We will seed markets with goods, and trade directly from our carriers in space…all we need we carry with us…people approach the caravan fleet, we trade directly in space…the entire alliance will remain mobile and on the move for 1-2 weeks.” ISS will have no home system, no stations to claim as their own as they roam the stars.
The economisation of frontier markets is not the only motivation behind the recent refocus, with Count stating: “We entertain close links with the Zainou Biotech Corporation…one secondary mission with the Caravan Fleet is to help [them] start booster production.” This secondary goal represents the recent announcement on Galnet by the Count that the ISS also seeks the favour of the Caldari State, setting itself the lofty aim of becoming ‘the ninth of the great Caldari corporations’.
The ISS plans to continue to promote itself in Caldari circles by pushing onwards and pioneering market initiatives amongst capsuleers. “The investment portfolio is working towards this goal, as is the alliance. We’re always prepared to spend venture capital on bold Caldari-based business initiatives,” added Count TaSessine.
The success of this first venture remains to be seen. With billions of ISK invested already however, there is certainly pressure on the ISS to deliver to its shareholders as it has done in the past. The mood within the alliance appears to be upbeat despite recent setbacks, and it is expected that one of the leading economic powerhouses of the capsuleer community will return themselves to the status they once occupied, perhaps this time also raising the attention of the Caldari State itself as well.
If this nomadic economic system prevails, what chance other pod pilots try something similar? Is it possible to be a Megacorporation without being tied to an outpost? Much hard work and lessons lie ahead however, and the perils and pitfalls of non-Empire trading will continue to provide much cause for discourse on media outlets.