Agencies within the Gallente Federation have in recent weeks been engaged in staving off potential problems posed by the steadily escalating influx of Matari immigrants to regions bordering the two nations.
According to a report released by the Federal Immigration Advisory Board to the Gallente Senate yesterday, the inhabitant figures of population centers in the Gallente Border Zone and Nexus constellations have swelled considerably in the past two months, even more so if the presumed number of illegal immigrants is factored in.
The report warns that “a large-scale ingress of displaced societal elements can and very often does contribute to slum formation, increasing crime rates and the drawing of hard cultural lines across areas previously unaffected by racial tensions.” It further proposes that the Senate divert significant funds towards fiscal benefits for immigrants, outlining several legislature drafts for Senate consideration.
“We do agree that there is a potential problem looming there,” stated Mentas Blaque, Gallente Senate head, at a press conference this morning. “We must, however, keep aware that even in times of prosperity the federal budget has its limits, and the wellbeing of our own has to remain a priority. We will take the matter up later in the week.”
Blaque has prompted outrage among the inhabitants of the most heavily affected areas for what is seen as a criminally blasé response to large-scale problems with serious implications. Lirianne Crulart, mayor of Des Ponticelles, this afternoon went on record stating that “if the esteemed Senator sees a particular distinction between border zone residents and other members of the Federation, I sure wouldn’t mind him enlightening me. As far as I know, we’re all citizens of the same nation.”
Des Ponticelles is Bourynes III’s largest city and one of the Federation’s registered megalopoli. It is home to sixty-three million inhabitants, fifteen million of which are disenfranchised Matari.