Brawl in Drifter Infested Tabbetzur Reveals Pivotal Harmonics

New Eden News | YC127-03-07

Tabbetzur conflict Tabbetzur Out of Harmony: Image courtesy of capsuleer Walter Islands

Fleet Op Leads to All Out Brawl in Drifter Infested Tabbetzur

Republic Fleet, Deathless Circle, Drifter forces, and capsuleers have fought over valuable Warden Connection Harmonics inside Tabbetzur. Codenamed “Operation Harmony Breach” by the Republic Fleet, they barely managed to claim victory after their second strike.

The operation took place after the Drifter’s hyperspace manipulation of the system. The brute force of this attack disabled stargates into and out of Tabbetzur, surrounding them with unstable radiation. Research teams have as of yet been unable to examine the gates in detail.

Shortly after Republic engineers brought gates back online, Republic Fleet Valravn and their support covertly entered the system. Their targets were Deathless structures called Warden Relay-Chainers. As the Republic fought with capsuleers, the Chainers were destroyed, revealing the Warden Connection Harmonics. The conflict escalated as Deathless Circle ships and the Drifters themselves arrived. No Republic or Deathless ships managed to survive this first strike.

For a full report on the first Tabbetzur strike, watch a recording of the Scopes live coverage here.

The following morning at 09:00 a second strike took place. This time a Republic Valravn and a Vargur survived thanks to the help of capsuleers. Their captains, Lerato Eir and Beulah Laras, thanked those who had helped turn this operation around against impossible odds.

Tabbetzur Gate

Harmonics Boost Competition Over Drifter Wormholes

Interested parties throughout the cluster have begun reaching out for the newly available Harmonics. The items' only function is to provide remote access to the Warden. This Warden access is believed to be a significant advantage in the race for a sustainable foothold in Drifter wormholes. As the Deathless Circle has ceased deploying these structures, those discovered so far may be the only copies in existence.

ATTENTION: The Scope has consulted with experts and they believe that only items received by the end of YC127.03.16 will be of use to the interested parties. After that point, the Deathless Circle will have been able to reroute their remote connections and the Harmonics will be of no value.

The factions seeking the Harmonics are as follows:

  • Amarr Empire via the Ministry of Internal Order.
  • Angel Cartel via the Archangels or Guardian Angels
  • Caldari State via the CEP or House of Records.
  • EDENCOM via the DED.
  • EverMore via Paragon.
  • Gallente via the Federal Intelligence Office.
  • Minmatar Republic via the Republic Security Services.
  • Society of Conscious Thought via the SOCT and Genolution.
  • Triglavian Collective via the Convocation of Triglav, Perun Clade, Svarog Clade, or Veles Clade.
  • The Upwell Consortium via Ytiri.

It is clear that there will soon be active competition over the Drifter wormholes. With ten interested parties and only five Drifter wormholes, not all these groups will be successful. In addition to these harmonics, we can expect ongoing requests for support from these factions as they fight for control of this new frontier.

News in Brief

  • Sanmater Shakor holds two-minute silence for people of Tabbetzur.

  • President Aguard offers condolences to people of Tabbetzur following Drifter attack.

  • Clans of Tabbetzur practice anti-Drifter tactics as many vow not to give up fight.

  • Suspect Angel Cartel operatives found dead before trial over Drifter tech smuggling begins.

  • Republic Fleet Captain Einar Eliakin called to military tribunal following questions over conduct during Operation Harmony Breach.

  • Chairman Akimaka Saraki praises resilience of Tabbetzur people against Drifter threat.

  • Outdated firmware on CONCORD alert system blamed for false Invasion warnings following Drifter attack on Tabbetzur.

  • Tabbetzur poem by Kamí Día, Ashes of Turnur leader, condemned as tasteless by Republic government.