Abyssal Energies Spike as Deepflow Rifts Detected

New Eden News | YC126-08-27

Deepflow Rift

Abyssal Energies Spike as Deepflow Rifts Detected

Hidden rifts have begun to appear throughout New Eden as the SOCT reports spiking energy signatures in Abyssal Deadspace.

The Society of Conscious Thought has observed massive energy spikes in Abyssal Deadspace. The spikes originated in the Deepflows of the Abyss, beyond where any New Eden explorer has ventured. The energy signatures are similar to those recorded during the escalating Drifter and Triglavian war some months ago. It was widely believed that capsuleer intervention had successfully de-escalated their conflict, but it seems to have only caused a brief respite.

The Deepflow Rifts appear to be a result of the destructive energies unleashed in the Drifter-Triglavian war. These rifts are inaccessible to New Eden’s pilots. This is likely because they lead to the far depths of Abyssal Deadspace which are untraversable with conventional technologies. Despite this, activating a significant number of tractor beams on the rift allows a pilot to pull objects through from the other side. These objects provide possible evidence of a long-term Triglavian presence in Deepflow regions. The science community is divided as to whether these objects are the remains of past settlements that drifted into the Deepflow, or a sign that the Triglavians are capable of surviving in even harsher environments than previously predicted.

At the same time, reports are coming in from Gallente, Caldari, Amarr, and Minmatar scientists that changes have been observed in other rifts. Abyssal Artifact Recovery operations have recorded shifting patterns, prompting calls for capsuleers to assist in investigating the changes.

When asked to comment on any possible threat posed by the new rifts or the escalating conflict, CONCORD, EDENCOM, and the SOCT were all quick to dismiss the possibility. They claim that the conflict is too deep within the Abyss to pose a risk to the peoples of New Eden. In addition, sources within EDENCOM have revealed a controversial “let them fight” policy in hopes that the Drifters and Triglavians will weaken each other, ultimately making the cluster a safer place.

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