New Eden - Life in New Eden can be very challenging for new pod pilots. Knowing how to fit ships properly, navigating between high security space and low security space, and finding a home within a corporation can all be very daunting to tackle for the inexperienced. Sometimes the success or failure of a pilot's existence rests with the friends (or enemies) one makes the first few days after waking from the clone vat.
While it is true that New Eden can be an unforgiving environment full of pilots willing to impart valuable 'life-lessons' upon new pilots, it is equally full of pilots who devote time and energy helping them. Two such pilots are Danielle en Divalone and unstable unit of License to Kill [0O7] Corporation. Through their work and planning, new pilots will be able to attend seminars each weekend during the month of March aimed at helping to introduce and explain the various challenges, day to day life, and intricacies of life in New Eden.
New pilots will be able to attend classes held by notables from Brave Newbies, EVE University, Noir. and more. Experienced pilots will share their knowledge and experience with those attending scheduled classes each day. Danielle en Divalone explains, "There will be all kinds of good stuff going on. But, I wanted to make sure we get more of the basic stuff covered." She adds, "This is for them, getting their names out there, and getting the new [pilots] just out and doing stuff as a community."
Sessions like this are what make the experiences in New Eden truly unique. The time and energy devoted to the education of pilots, by pilots, simply does not happen elsewhere. While these events are directed at the new pilots, all are welcome.
A full schedule of the seminars to be hosted during the month of March may be found here.
Pilots wishing to attend the classes are encouraged to visit this site for more details, or contact Danielle en Divalone or unstable unit from your Neocom.