United Legion Evicted From Immensea

New Eden, Immensea - A coalition comprised of Aggression. [AGGRO] and Atlas [ATLAS] alliances have recently evicted United Legion [UNL] from most of their sovereign holdings in the Immensea region, diplomatic sources have confirmed.

The takeover took no more than two weeks, with [AGGRO] capsuleers pressing [UNL] from the north of Immensea while Atlas locked down the south: "It worked as hoped and [UNL had to] split fleets or couldn't reinforce themselves, as [operations] were going on in two different areas at the same time.", Banlish of [ATLAS] stated.

The war came during a time of internal unrest within United Legion and was therefore met with limited resistance. Eve's Prophet, [UNL]'s CEO, recalls the first days of the conflict: "Everything [was] broken... people [were] tired from [starbase] wars [and] the last CEO retired from [UNL] just before [AGGRO] came... Nobody wanted to fight."

The delicate situation was well known by [UNL]'s enemies. Following the invasion, [AGGRO]'s CEO said: "[We] had heard stories that [UNL] was having [financial] problems and the time was right to push."

[UNL] resisted the assault for awhile, employing stealth bombers and battleship-heavy fleets whenever possible. Banlish describes his former opponents: "[UNL], despite what people think of them are good fighters and they did attempt a defense... they did stubbornly fight for many systems and used guerilla tactics quite effectively."

[AGGRO] experienced some setbacks as well. During one operation, they lost 2 motherships to a "neutral" fleet comprised of KrautbreaK, Karma and Cult of War capsuleers. "We [were] shooting some towers and were noticed, so [they dropped] a big cap fleet on us: we had 4 [motherships] on the field, 2 of them were saved, and 2 lost. We all took it well, hotdrops are very common now." said 5n4keyes describing the event.

During the last phases of the war, [UNL] moved most of their assets to the H-ADOC system and are now in the process of re-organizing.

Concerning [UNL]'s future, Eve's Prophet said: "We'll fly in Curse for some month, [We] need to change everything in [the alliance] now: new rules, maybe new corps. Plans are big and [we] really want to fight back... We lived [in Immensea] from our start, it is like a historical place for us."

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