The renowned Cats Whiskers reopened last week, following a six-month closure to refurbish the club after it was ravaged by an unexplained fire. The proprietors Bressty Chastaine and Paul Giselle have been busy since opening night promoting the nightclub as “the premiere nightspot for hedonism in the Federation.”
Following the destruction of the club some six months ago, it was thought by many that the infamously decadent Cats Whiskers was doomed to fade into obscurity like so many other pleasure hubs scattered throughout the Gallente Federation. It was only after securing a deal with a group of Federation-based investors that it was restored and overhauled into an even more opulent establishment than it’s previous incarnation.
To celebrate the reopening, owners Paul and Bressty organized for the eminent Halo Axegrinder of Starved Fedo to make a guest appearance. Unfortunately Mr. Axegrinder was unable to perform due to what his managers later stated was “an unexpected and sudden illness.” Ms. Chastaine replied however, that he was “unexpectedly lightweight and suddenly drunk”; suggesting perhaps that the celebrated rock star was a little too enthusiastic with his own celebrations.
Despite the lack of Halo’s performance, the many capsuleers that attended the opening night seemed not to mind, as the drinks and entertainment flowed freely regardless. In an impressive financial display, Ms. Chastaine awarded a Vigilant-Class Cruiser blueprint to a Mr. White Templar, who with many other pilots had taken part in one of the competitions of the night. Relative to most Gallentean nightclubs advertising budgets, the prize represents a vast sum of ISK, showing just how serious the owners of the Whiskers are about putting it back on the map.
The Cats Whiskers has enjoyed early success since reopening, frequently drawing large crowds including a sizeable capsuleer base, most of whom are fast becoming loyal patrons. Tainting this initial accomplishment however has been rumours of underhanded activities happening in the bar, such as illegal narcotics sales. Ms. Chastaine has vehemently denied the reports however, and stated in no uncertain terms that such things are strictly prohibited in the club. “We are the centre of hedonistic pleasures, that is for sure, but we do not cross the line into illegal activity. It’s not smart, and I doubt it is even profitable either. I’ve had my own struggles with drugs in the past and I want them far away from me, my girls, and my patrons.”
Defending her against the allegations, some capsuleers have contacted the Interstellar Correspondents to confirm her words. One pilot who wished to remain anonymous stated, “at the first sign of boosters in her club Bressty became infuriated”, threatening “extreme repercussions” and confiscating the contraband. “She certainly seems to want to keep her club clean…at least in that regard,” the pilot remarked.
In spite of the slight controversies since reopening, Bressty and Paul remain upbeat about the future success of the Cats Whiskers. “I’m no stranger to a little publicity,” stated Bressty, “its all lies of course…someone trying to damage me, but even the negative stuff helps us get the name out there…having a perfect reputation is bad for business in my line of work anyway.”
The Cats Whiskers is open most days of the week, and can be located at the basement level of the sole station in the Balle system, Disier constellation. Pilots can expect good music, good drinks and good company. Those looking for small time work supplying goods are encouraged to contact Bressty or Paul at the club during business hours.