RAZOR Deploys to Geminate in Full Strength

Geminate - RAZOR Alliance [-RZR-] has deployed to Geminate in full strength to support allies Wildly Inappropriate. [WI.] in their ongoing conflict with ATLAS over the region's resources.

The conflict has escalated over the past few weeks, with the Northern Coalition Alliances WI., -RZR- and Morsus Mihi [RAWR] actively defending the region against the combined assault of ATLAS, RED Alliance [RED] and SOLAR FLEET [SOLAR].

RAZOR forces are "dedicated to hold every system that we own and take back what we may have lost." URDEAD2ME reports that roughly three weeks ago "we had a full deployment to Geminate to support WI., we moved as fast as we could to get into the key staging systems around Geminate." Phreeze adds, "the entire Alliance is fully deployed, we have everyone here as per our norm when we go places."

Asked to comment on the size of their numbers, URDEAD2ME reports that "at this time we have 715 people in [this system] and 700 are blue I would say, we are defending [it] and [will] not let the station system go. We currently have 9 titans on line in a 'V' formation above one of the hostile [enemy structures] as V for victory."

Phreeze further comments "about two weeks before this conflict actually kicked off, ATLAS destroyed WI.'s cap fleet in a surprise attack. Before RAZOR deployed, ATLAS [then] soundly beat WI. and local Northern Coalition allies [on more than one occasion]. Since then, ATLAS has taken many high end moons, but has been repelled in every sovereignty assault."

"Since ATLAS enlisted the help of such entities as SOLAR, RED, Cult of War [-COW-], and Gentlemen's Club [STRPR], they have numerical advantage on early parts of their assaults, and generally lose when we are able to bring the rest of the Northern Coalition to assist... however, that rarely happens... and [this] has allowed ATLAS to gain moons... proportionally WI. has lost about two thirds of their money moons... [and] it's not going well [since] they outnumber us in nearly every [period]."

Our upcoming report on the Geminate conflict with details of recent major engagements will be published soon, so keep your NeoCom's updated to get the latest developments.

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