W-3BSU - An assault on IDLE EMPIRE installations ended in three capital losses for the United Freemen Alliance earlier this week. The aim of the UFA operation had been part of a wider strategy to maintain control over the region of Geminate, along with their allies KIA Alliance.
A small number of systems in the region have been under IDLE sovereignty for 2 weeks; it was only early this week that their presence has drawn UFA's attention. Rowlandos, head of IDLE, denies UFA or KIA had any right over the systems: "it was unclaimed, to claim space you [have to] put [a] sovereignty claim on it."
The successful defence of their starbase was the result of a joint operation with their allies, Gay4Life and Eternal Rapture. Rowlandos went on to comment that they were given no warning before the attack, and that they were not the aggressors: "they started it, they shot first."
Gendril, XO of the United Freemen Alliance, now believes that the situation will continue to worsen as allies of IDLE become involved: "It seems some of their friends have declared war on us, so it seems what could have been a minor issue will escalate."
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