Alliance Tournament VII is upon us, and Interstellar Correspondents is once again on the scene to provide you the best coverage available through its latest website:
Tournament VI's match reports were an excellent way to provide you with detailed reports of the action. Great write ups, pictures added to highlight the excitement. Surely this was enough, right? Well... not quite. This time around, Interstellar Correspondents has stepped it up a notch with an all new IC Alliance Tournament web site
The all new Tournament site is up and ready to provide you with an amazing amount of data. In addition to the match reports and images, you can now view statistical charts and graphs posted within minutes of the end of each match. Waiting around for the next match with nothing to do? Head over to the alliance bio section to familiarize yourself with some of the basic facts about the competing alliances. As soon as they become available, videos will be added to the match reports as well.
We hope you will find our site both informative and entertaining.
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