L-A5XP, Fountain - In reports last month on the return of Celtic Anarchy corporation, founder SkyFox stated "[The possibility of] rebuilding the Force of Evil alliance is something that is always under discussion..." As of the 15th of this month, that possibility has become fact.
Force Of Evil has returned under the executorship of self-proclaimed "Dark Queen" Foyle, who manages FOE Holding. Other corporations currently rallied under the banner are, as expected, Celtic Anarchy, Quam Singulari, Euphoria Released [E-R], Domination., Fire Mandrill and Darkness and Chaos.
Corp 1 Allstars will remain in PuPPet MasTers until after Alliance Tournament VI, but CEO C4w3 confirms that they will be rejoining their former comrades in arms after their competitive obligations are fulfilled.
Viper Shizzle of Pandemic Legion predicted the reformation on 20.12.110, citing intelligence received from Rejected Enlightenment of Otherworld Empire Productions, who said:
"E-R, Corp1, Celtic Anarcy, Fire Mandrill, Phantom Squadron, THE MuPPeT FaCTOrY, Quam Singulari, FOE, Better Dead Then Smeg. Sounds like FOE to me."
Like Corp 1 Allstars, THE MuPPeT FaCTOrY and Better Dead Then Smeg are currently in PuPPet MasTers. OrDeR of THE MuPPeT FaCTOrY stated:
"We have been asked to join FOE but we still are borderline on whether we will join or not. FOE does have some very good corporations (PMS do fly with FOE everyday) and does look very promising. I would put [the] question under a "maybe," depending on how the alliance tournament turns out and variety of other small factors, but we are giving no answer yet."
C4w3 talked a little about future plans for FOE:
"We have no hidden agenda or something like that. All we want to do is provide awesome [pilot vs pilot combat] for old and new friends. Try new ideas, setups etc and take our experience to a new level. We live by the words 'Take your space without claiming it.'
"Very few alliances have deeper roots or a more legendary history."
Asked if any particular memories stood out, he cited an old battle between FOE and Band of Brothers and allies CCCP:
"They had massive numbers of Scorpion-class electronic warfare battleships, so we countered with Ravens fitted with Friend or Foe Cruise Missiles, and super long range sniper Tempests. We had some really great battles in the early days of mass fleet [combat]."
FOE are not the only ones with memories, however, and there are those who claim that the reformation of FOE is simply an act of nostalgia, doomed to failure. One such is Triumvirate pilot, Gjs312:
"I would like to be the first to predict a failure of previously unheard of proportions. Imagine an airliner full of Quafe Ultra crashing into a Mindclash stadium."
The reformed alliance has currently placed itself into the Fountain conflict, where they set their guns equally against all those fighting for the region, including Band of Brothers, Sons of Tangra, Pandemic Legion and their training corporation SniggWaffe and many others. C4W3 claims that FOE, between its current members and those who intend to return, are claiming up to 100 killmails a day in the area. When asked why FOE chose to fight all sides in the area, C4w3 explained:
"Our members shouldn't have to choose just one. Both sides are deserving of our love."
GalNet References
Quam Singulari Campaign Record
Corp 1 Allstars Campaign Record