EVE University Celebrates 5th Anniversary

The doors to EVE University[E-UNI] opened on Sunday afternoon, March 15, 106. Five years later, this University founded by CEO Morning Maniac continues to aid and train young pod pilots. With recruiters always on the lookout for New Eden's bright young pilots, EVE University prides itself on providing these pilots with the tools they need to have long, successful futures, wherever they may end up after completing their training.

EVE University While some corporations accept only hand selected pilots by invitation only or require a certain amount of experience, E-UNI happily considers all submitted applications. Speaking with Director of Operations, Kelduum Revaan, it quickly becomes clear that few are turned away. "...there's no real requirements." He states, "...assuming they follow our policies, which are basically that they don't cause any trouble, and respect the other pilots in [New Eden], they are welcomed." When asked about the level of camaraderie among the pilots Mr. Revaan explains, "...the level of community spirit we have is excellent though - more than I have seen in any other corporation."

Graduating from E-UNI is an individual process, dictated by the amount of knowledge the pilot enters with, and what they are there to learn. Some pilots finish the required program within three months or so, while others stay years. When asked about the minimum amount of time it takes to graduate, Director of Training Dierdra Vaal replies, "After 3 months, they tend to be able to make a good living in [New Eden] and they know what the [universe] has to offer and where they want to go."

However, while 3 months is the minimum amount of time it takes to graduate, there is no set time limit imposed after that. Since the curriculum is completed at an individual pace, pilots may attend up to twenty hours of instruction per week at their convenience. Ms. Vaal explains, "Some weeks have more events than others...but [yes] we can have a lot of stuff scheduled such as classes (tackling 101, mining 101, etc), events (frigate free for all tournaments, etc) and low [security space] fleet ops." Pilots are also given the advantage of being able to listen to such notable guest speakers as Darius JOHNSON, CEO of GoonFleet; LaVista Vista, CEO of Conservative Shenanigans Party; and Verone, CEO and Founder of VETO.

Since the majority of the pilots who enter E-UNI are extremely new, they are welcome to stay as long as they need to develop the skills to be successful. Once they are ready to leave, Mr. Revaan tells us that the University encourages them to make their own choice where to go from there. "Our members are then free to make to choose where they want to go - nobody is favored, which makes things much simpler to manage." When asked about the opportunities that graduates have with other corporations, he states, "There are quite a few corporations who prefer E-UNI pilots over non [E-UNI] pilots."

For the success over the last five years, E-UNI acknowledges, and thanks, the players, corporations and alliances who have supported them. He also recognizes the tireless efforts of the instructors who volunteer their time to train the students. When asked about the future of EVE University, Mr. Revaan says, "The directorship might change, but the vision of our CEO has driven the University for the past five years, and will continue to do so for the next five years...and beyond." He concludes, "As long as the stars are still burning, EVE Unversity will still be here."

For recruitment information, please set your Neocom to the public transmission channel 'eve university'.

More information may also be found on GalNet

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