QUERIOUS. The Band of Brothers Alliance added a new region to its assets last week, storming Querious in full force and eventually capturing the region despite heavy resistance from a large coalition of alliances. They are now claiming the war for Querious as over, and the region as BoB sovereign territory.
The lead up to these events stems back many months. For several of the coalition alliances, the aim originally was to remove Firmus Ixion, who had long inhabited the region. “We have not gotten along well with FIX for a long while,” explained Gloria Khan of the Stain Alliance, speaking of longstanding disputes over access routes to Empire space. “They were the original target, that simple,” stated XirtamVotf, leader of the Imperium Alliance and the makeshift coalition. “BoB came, then the coalition as it were, decided to fight and test their mettle.”
What ensued were three fiercely contested battles in the 9CG6-H system, where the FIX Alliance held its last station, having already lost control of three others in 3BK-07, H74-B0, and FAT-6P over previous months. “By the time the battle for 9CG started, it was apparent that we were unable to mass sufficient capital ships…to fend off a deliberate assault,” stated Valhallan, speaking on behalf of Firmus Ixion. “FIX leadership has long surmised that the imminent fall of 9CG would be the trigger for BOB to get involved,” he continued. “Seeing a growing threat to their home systems, BoB moved quickly to stabilize the system…and reclaimed 9CG in a series of decisive fleet engagements.”
“After we saw them all assembled in one system, it was way too good to resist,” commented Shrike, speaking on behalf of BoB about the gathering of the unofficial coalition, which included the Imperium Alliance, the Fountain Alliance, Vox Imperium, Vertigo Coalition, the Smash Alliance, the Stain Alliance and the Huzzah Federation. “We sent down approximately half of BoB to mess around…but on Sunday we decided to send it all down. This is 3 days after, 9CG has fallen to us, and H74 has fallen to us…it's over, totally.”
Reflecting on the battles, coalition members conceded that the entry of the Band of Brothers was a defining moment in the war. “When BoB showed up the tables turned against us and our brothers in arms,” said Matrixx of Vox Imperium. However, common amongst all coalition alliances was a sense of pride that they had taken the battle to BoB and provided the beginnings of what may come to be a consistently fierce and organized anti-BoB force.
“I am proud of what we did, we gave them a nosebleed for the first few days,” said Koth Fluf of Vertigo Coalition. “I think the operation was a success in that respect.” His sentiments were shared by all of the coalition alliances. Hans Roaming of the Huzzah Federation reiterated the upbeat feeling, “It was a trial by fire and our guys showed they had it.” The Band of Brothers sees things differently however, with Shrike stating, “The only thing we mourn out of all this, is that seven alliances broke so fast.”
For the time being, though, spirits remain defiant within the Coalition and whether the Coalition is truly broken remains to be seen. One thing is clear though, according to Valhallan, the alliance Firmus Ixion... "unshackled from the chains of territorial defense requirements", will be an entirely different animal.